Changes in Baby: Eyes are still developing, but eyesight will only have 20/400 vision at birth.
Baby Movement: All the time! Right now I'm feeling our little feisty baby kicking me in the ribs while simltaneously doing something in the southern regions of my belly. Sometimes, mainly later at night, I get such a hard kick that it makes me jump :-O
Changes in Mama: Lower back pain and slight menstrual-like cramps warranted a call to the doctor yesterday, but all turned out early labor or anything. I can no longer see certain parts of my body due to the belly. Have I mentioned that my leg hair has been softer and less noticeable? It's great! Also my skin seems to tan better and faster :-)
Current Symptoms: Intense heartburn no matter my diet or amount of food consumed. Trouble sleeping due to hip aches and backaches (not to mention lack of sleeping positions to choose from due to this big belly and not being able to lie flat on my back), even with the help of my body pillow. Also, my increase in water consumption has increased the frequency of my trips to the bathroom...last night I got up to pee 3 times (and that doesn't include going right before bed and when I got up this morning, eek!). Black poo from the iron supplements, ewie. :-/
Like this but hip/belly more towards mattress |
Cravings: Water, Lasagna (my homemade, cheesy, meaty, melty goodness), fruit
Aversions: ?
Looking Forward to...: A longer weekend with my hubby since we have the 4th of July off from work :-)
Nesting: I couldn't help myself and I bought a couple 6-9, 12 months clothing pieces yesterday (jeans, cardigans, little shirts, and a super-cute onsie). Our little munchkin is going to be so cute! All the baby stores seemed to be having HUGE sales. Interesting piece of info is that Oshkosh B'Gosh will exchange baby clothes without a time limit as long as you keep the receipt. How awesome is that?! I love it because who knows if we'll have an Amazon baby or a little tyke by 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos.
Next Appt: Monday July 11