My husband was a super-trooper today when he accompanied me to the mall into one of the maternity clothing stores. I cannot believe how comfortable everything is!!!!! Not kidding in the slightest when I say that I would wear any and/or all of the clothes I got even if I wasn't pregnant. I got some staples this trip....a pair of jeans, black dress pants, three shirts and a bra. Let me tell you...I used to be a B cup....guess what size I bought today?! 36 E!!!! :-O I have the everything on the smallest notches now, and I don't quite fill out the cups...but I guarantee I will get there. For example, the D fit perfectly now and I'm only just entering my 2nd trimester. Throw in some breastfeeding and we will see how well I fill out these bad boys. Crazy! Never in my life did I imagin this! I know most women find the bra shopping depressing....NOT ME!! Oh no! Just surprised and kind of proud :-) My little puppies are blooming....finally after 24 years. It feels awesome to be wearing a bra that fits awesome, sigh. Oh and another piece of good news...I had a gift card that I won at work-for our branch being in the top for a contest since I was head of making sure we got there- for $150 with about $120 left on it (TacoBell....), so we put $100 towards the gift card and only paid a little less than $45. AWESOME! What a great day! We even went to BabiesRus for a little look-see. Found the rocker that I want...$299, but so worth every last penny. Also scoped out some strollers and other necessary items. So fun!
Church was really great to start it off right...but next time I will be taking plenty of tissues to dry up my pregnant tear-producing eyes, haha. Oh those emotions! I was NEVER a crying-type prior. Pastor Harry focused his sermon on Psalm 139...I am fearfully and wonderfully made- how perfect for having a baby?! That got my eyes a misting too.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
I had a ridiculous dream last night about our baby. It started with me being able to see into my belly. If I pulled my belly skin taunt around the baby, I could see the perfect outline...and we found out it was a boy. I remember asking the nurse if most moms-to-be could see into their tummies, and she said it was a very rare condition called "Transparent Stomach". SO weird! But then I must have been looking too much because our baby came right out of my stomach into my arms. I was holding him and watching tv while Zach was showering and getting ready for some Army event that required Class A's. All of a sudden our baby was talking to me like an adult and saying that he couldn't breathe very well. I rubbed his chest and set him up-right to help, but then I freaked out once it started getting worse. And I just knew we had to put him back in my belly so his lungs could completely develope- and of course, only a surgecial doctor could perform this task. I screamed for Zach that we had to call 911 to get our baby to the ER. He said something about bad timing around Army events, and then we started to dial. That's all I remember....whoa! What did I eat before bed?!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Our Little Lime
I looked online today just to see about how big our baby is at this point...and at 12 weeks we're looking at the size of a lime. A lime is pretty big! And in just a couple weeks we should be able to have our first ultrasound. How exciting!

Fish Oil
Part of my morning routine is to take a prenatal vitamin and a prenatal supplement. Well, the supplement has Omega-3 Fish oil in it. Let me tell you, it's awful to burp a nasty fish taste when I didn't recently even eat any fish. Gag me! I've been downing the mints and it's just not masking the taste.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My wonderful husband met me at Taco Bell for lunch today...where I ordered a Beefy 5-Layer Burrito. It. was. delicious. I ate the entire thing, probably a good 1/2 pound or so. I almost felt like I could eat another one...not really for hunger, maybe just because I wanted to taste it some more. Thankfully this new craving only sets me back 99 cents. Even better! However, I did order a large cup for my water because that's just what I wanted...they charged me for a large soda $1.49 or so. Crazy, since I'm pretty sure they DO NOT pay anywhere near that much to buy them. Oh well. I got what I wanted.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Good News
I called my nurse and baby is fine, just sapping everything from me. What a little rascal already ;-) So that's #1 good news. #2 is that I was able to set up this thing called FMLA through our HR dept that covers intermittent absences from work. This is a very good thing considering it's not even March yet and I've already used almost 3 out of 6 sick days for the entire year. Basically, FMLA protects my job from termination or disciplinary action due to excessive sick time above what I am allotted. Another bonus is that it won't affect my maternity leave :-) That will go on just as usual, pay 80% with 2 weeks before and 6 weeks after baby is born. So now when baby and hormones are making me feel less than okay to deal in a customer service situation, I can stay home without fear of being written up or fired. Happy days!
Pukey Pukey Puu
Friday night I went to bed with an awful belly ache. I woke up Saturday morning with a trip to the bathroom that was not a very pleasant wake-up call...
And then it just proceeded to get worse. I knew I had better eat or else morning sickness would have just made things worse, so I got an apple. I ate about a quarter of the thing when I had to make a run for the bathroom....where I got to see my apple again :-( From that point on I was in the bathroom for one reason or the other. I puked about 5-6 times, if not more...and the other thing was much more frequently. I honestly had nothing left, and I felt really bad for our baby. The poor thing probably had no idea what was rocking his or her world- not in a good way.
My wonderful husband took excellent care of me. He brought me a bucket, and even dumped it and rinsed it once for me <3 He went on a provisions run for Gatorade and movies. He pretty much did all the weekend work and cleaning by himself that I was supposed to be doing with him. What an amazing man!
Yesterday he took me to get breakfast once I started feeling a little better. Unfortunately I couldn't eat too much of anything once we got our food :-( And then he made me macaroni and cheese for dinner, which was excellent, but I wasn't able to eat very much. I ate a Fudgesicle around 9 pm, but other than tons of orange Gatorade that's all I could do. Sadness.
Today I had a banana and more Gatorade....I feel like a sloth. It takes so much energy that I don't have to just lift my arm. I felt the urge to hurl again this morning once I got to work...thankfully I didn't, but I did have to run to the bathroom because I seriously thought I was going to be sick :-( I wish I could just go home. It's awful being here today, and I just don't feel like helping customers....
What should I eat?! I'm about 11 weeks now, am I hurting that baby by not eating enough? Or is it just hurting me?
And then it just proceeded to get worse. I knew I had better eat or else morning sickness would have just made things worse, so I got an apple. I ate about a quarter of the thing when I had to make a run for the bathroom....where I got to see my apple again :-( From that point on I was in the bathroom for one reason or the other. I puked about 5-6 times, if not more...and the other thing was much more frequently. I honestly had nothing left, and I felt really bad for our baby. The poor thing probably had no idea what was rocking his or her world- not in a good way.
My wonderful husband took excellent care of me. He brought me a bucket, and even dumped it and rinsed it once for me <3 He went on a provisions run for Gatorade and movies. He pretty much did all the weekend work and cleaning by himself that I was supposed to be doing with him. What an amazing man!
Yesterday he took me to get breakfast once I started feeling a little better. Unfortunately I couldn't eat too much of anything once we got our food :-( And then he made me macaroni and cheese for dinner, which was excellent, but I wasn't able to eat very much. I ate a Fudgesicle around 9 pm, but other than tons of orange Gatorade that's all I could do. Sadness.
Today I had a banana and more Gatorade....I feel like a sloth. It takes so much energy that I don't have to just lift my arm. I felt the urge to hurl again this morning once I got to work...thankfully I didn't, but I did have to run to the bathroom because I seriously thought I was going to be sick :-( I wish I could just go home. It's awful being here today, and I just don't feel like helping customers....
What should I eat?! I'm about 11 weeks now, am I hurting that baby by not eating enough? Or is it just hurting me?
Aside from the occasional tear up with songs on the radio, I had my first emotional pregnancy outburst on Friday night. I was going to the bathroom, so the door was shut. When I opened the door, Zach was standing there in the dark and I freaked out! I screamed, punched him in the chest, and then started crying. It was unlike anything I've experienced. I wasn't even really that scared, just surprised. Apparently moments of surprise can thrust a pregnant woman into a fit of tears...who knew?
Later in the weekend, we were sitting down to watch a movie and there was a preview for the Karate Kid...I was on the edge of bursting into tears. It's kind of scary what these wacky emotions can do. I started to tear up when I was thanking Zach for taking care of me too...several times. My Tear Cup runneth over.
Later in the weekend, we were sitting down to watch a movie and there was a preview for the Karate Kid...I was on the edge of bursting into tears. It's kind of scary what these wacky emotions can do. I started to tear up when I was thanking Zach for taking care of me too...several times. My Tear Cup runneth over.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Maxed out
I think I've finally exhausted my craving for egg rolls and soy sauce. No more for me for a checking account thanks me for that.
Tonight we are cleaning and moving boxes and furniture into storage at home. We moved out of our apartment Jan. 31st and everything is kind of everywhere. I wish I could say we moved into a house of our own, but my bro-in-law so graciously allowed us to move in until Zach is done with school and finds a job- so we can make ends meet. Living on one income and paying for most of college, plus all the normal bills and living expenses doesn't leave much wiggle room. We're making it work, like we always do, by God's grace. Oh, back to cleaning and I did all of our laundry a few weeks ago (has to be my LEAST favorite activity), but we never folded anything so we have baskets and piles of clean laundry now, plus dirty piles for washing this weekend. It just never ends...and I'm sure it will only get worse once we have our baby clothes. So for tonight's activities: putting on our "butler uniforms" and cleaning until we die. (or I fall asleep).
Tonight we are cleaning and moving boxes and furniture into storage at home. We moved out of our apartment Jan. 31st and everything is kind of everywhere. I wish I could say we moved into a house of our own, but my bro-in-law so graciously allowed us to move in until Zach is done with school and finds a job- so we can make ends meet. Living on one income and paying for most of college, plus all the normal bills and living expenses doesn't leave much wiggle room. We're making it work, like we always do, by God's grace. Oh, back to cleaning and I did all of our laundry a few weeks ago (has to be my LEAST favorite activity), but we never folded anything so we have baskets and piles of clean laundry now, plus dirty piles for washing this weekend. It just never ends...and I'm sure it will only get worse once we have our baby clothes. So for tonight's activities: putting on our "butler uniforms" and cleaning until we die. (or I fall asleep).
Cravings- Salt
I have been craving lots of different fruit and more fruit, egg rolls with soy sauce, chicken broth, and ginger dressing from Nakashima- but I still haven't been able to fulfill that last one :-(
The other day I was preparing to make noodles, so I made some chicken broth (2 chicken bullion cubes in 2 cups of water, easy), but before I could get it all in the pan I drank a whole cup of the chicken broth right out of the measuring cup...oops!
Last night I went to the grocery store right after work and I ended up with a cart full of fresh fruit...kiwis, bananas, apples, and strawberries. When I got home I ate a ton of it too :-) I was so full, but unfortunately fruit doesn't stick to your ribs.
Right across the street from the bank is a Chinese Buffet...not good if you're pregnant and craving egg rolls/soy sauce. I finally gave in yesterday and headed across the way....I ate 3 egg rolls!! I must be loving salt, because I could have put soy sauce on EVERYTHING. When I got back from lunch, one of the girls at work said to me, "Well, I think we have soy sauce packets in the could just eat them." Gross, but then again maybe not.
Speaking of salt, I made mashed potatoes (yet another craving) the other night to go with the noodles and I just kept adding more and more salt...and after all that, I still couldn't even taste it enough- but I stopped adding because Zach isn't pregnant and probably wouldn't have enjoyed the salt block in our taters.
The other day I was preparing to make noodles, so I made some chicken broth (2 chicken bullion cubes in 2 cups of water, easy), but before I could get it all in the pan I drank a whole cup of the chicken broth right out of the measuring cup...oops!
Last night I went to the grocery store right after work and I ended up with a cart full of fresh fruit...kiwis, bananas, apples, and strawberries. When I got home I ate a ton of it too :-) I was so full, but unfortunately fruit doesn't stick to your ribs.
Right across the street from the bank is a Chinese Buffet...not good if you're pregnant and craving egg rolls/soy sauce. I finally gave in yesterday and headed across the way....I ate 3 egg rolls!! I must be loving salt, because I could have put soy sauce on EVERYTHING. When I got back from lunch, one of the girls at work said to me, "Well, I think we have soy sauce packets in the could just eat them." Gross, but then again maybe not.
Speaking of salt, I made mashed potatoes (yet another craving) the other night to go with the noodles and I just kept adding more and more salt...and after all that, I still couldn't even taste it enough- but I stopped adding because Zach isn't pregnant and probably wouldn't have enjoyed the salt block in our taters.
I've heard that an excess of salt can lead to greater water I going to blow up like a whale if I love the salt while preggers?!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Neon Yellow!
Sooo...pregnant women are more susceptible to getting a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). At my appointment I did the pee test since I had been feeling symptoms coming on, like feeling the urgency to pee, but not going once there and a slight burning when peeing. The next day I received a call from my nurse saying I did in fact having the beginning of a UTI and she was prescribing a medication for me to pick up right away. If you didn't know, an untreated UTI can cause harm to your growing baby. Well, the nurse said it might make my urine a darker yellow....boy was she right! I just went to the bathroom and it looked like I was painting with yellow water colors, haha. Okay, maybe not that bright, but seriously a funky yellow. If you are ever prescribed meds for a UTI, don't worry about the mustard in the toliet- it's normal.
1st Post
So, following in my friend's footsteps...and being bored at work...I created this blog to put into words all the changes I'm experiencing becoming a new mommy. Everything from what makes me sick to what I can't live without, and of course, updates of baby. Reason for the title: peppermints have become my new friend...they seriously work to calm my tummy when I feel that wave of nausea trying to sweep over me. I was skeptical at first, but one peppermint changed my attitude towards the little wonders.
I had my very first appointment this past Tuesday where I found out I'm 10 weeks along, almost 11 weeks now. The most exciting thing I've ever experienced had to be hearing our baby's racing little heartbeat for the first time. I was so excited that I giggled and messed up the sound reader and the nurse had to find it again- a couple times oops :-) Since I'm so close to 11 weeks I have another appointment scheduled for Mon. 28 already. Zach (Daddy) will be joining me for this one...I know he will be super-excited to hear our baby too. Hearing that tiny little pounding made us having a baby feel soooooo much more real. There's a reason I'm getting fat!! ;-)
On another note, I love Arbonne products...and today I put in my order for the ABC Set!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know, it's swiss health, wellness, and beauty products. The ABC stands for Arbonne Baby Care and the set includes lotion, wash/shampoo, baby oil, diaper cream, and sunscreen. Yay!!! Our little baby is going to be pampered in the best way :-)
I had my very first appointment this past Tuesday where I found out I'm 10 weeks along, almost 11 weeks now. The most exciting thing I've ever experienced had to be hearing our baby's racing little heartbeat for the first time. I was so excited that I giggled and messed up the sound reader and the nurse had to find it again- a couple times oops :-) Since I'm so close to 11 weeks I have another appointment scheduled for Mon. 28 already. Zach (Daddy) will be joining me for this one...I know he will be super-excited to hear our baby too. Hearing that tiny little pounding made us having a baby feel soooooo much more real. There's a reason I'm getting fat!! ;-)
On another note, I love Arbonne products...and today I put in my order for the ABC Set!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know, it's swiss health, wellness, and beauty products. The ABC stands for Arbonne Baby Care and the set includes lotion, wash/shampoo, baby oil, diaper cream, and sunscreen. Yay!!! Our little baby is going to be pampered in the best way :-)
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