Monday, February 21, 2011

Pukey Pukey Puu

Friday night I went to bed with an awful belly ache.  I woke up Saturday morning with a trip to the bathroom that was not a very pleasant wake-up call...
And then it just proceeded to get worse.  I knew I had better eat or else morning sickness would have just made things worse, so I got an apple.  I ate about a quarter of the thing when I had to make a run for the bathroom....where I got to see my apple again :-(  From that point on I was in the bathroom for one reason or the other.  I puked about 5-6 times, if not more...and the other thing was much more frequently.  I honestly had nothing left, and I felt really bad for our baby.  The poor thing probably had no idea what was rocking his or her world- not in a good way. 
My wonderful husband took excellent care of me.  He brought me a bucket, and even dumped it and rinsed it once for me <3  He went on a provisions run for Gatorade and movies.  He pretty much did all the weekend work and cleaning by himself that I was supposed to be doing with him.  What an amazing man!
Yesterday he took me to get breakfast once I started feeling a little better.  Unfortunately I couldn't eat too much of anything once we got our food :-(  And then he made me macaroni and cheese for dinner, which was excellent, but I wasn't able to eat very much.  I ate a Fudgesicle around 9 pm, but other than tons of orange Gatorade that's all I could do.  Sadness. 
Today I had a banana and more Gatorade....I feel like a sloth.  It takes so much energy that I don't have to just lift my arm.  I felt the urge to hurl again this morning once I got to work...thankfully I didn't, but I did have to run to the bathroom because I seriously thought I was going to be sick :-(  I wish I could just go home.  It's awful being here today, and I just don't feel like helping customers....
What should I eat?!  I'm about 11 weeks now, am I hurting that baby by not eating enough?  Or is it just hurting me?

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