Thursday, May 26, 2011
Things Not to Tell an Expecting Mother...
I had an elderly gentleman ask me this morning if I was expecting (though I can't remember the exact phrase he used, something like bump bump). He then asked if this was our first, ultrasound reults, gender, name, etc... After all this he tells me that his daughter unexplicably lost her first baby just a week or so before her due date and another family member lost her baby at birth due to strangulation by the cord. Well geez! Thanks a lot, Mister! Oh, he also said that his daugther stopped going to church for a while and it totally altered her personality. Oh my! Usually people just congratulate me and move on...not this guy. And the surprising thing (if there could be something more) was that he said it all with a smile on his face as if he were encouraging me. Not so much. He did say girls are easier and more fun (yeah, as long as they make it past birth, right Mister?). I just have to remind myself that I am carrying a beautiful gift from God, a miracle...and there's a reason for everything that happens in this life.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Baby Update: 25 Weeks
Size of Baby: 13.5" from head to heel and 1.5 lbs (about the size of a rutabaga)
Changes in Baby: Starting to plump up, putting on weight now. Hair color and texture is present now if we could see baby's head. Baby should have moved from breech position (feet first exit) to head down and rump up.
Changes in Mama: Strech marks :-( Growing, growing, grown!
Cravings: Iced Tea (thanks McD's $1 large drinks), watermelon
Aversions: What can I say? I want it all, nothing overwhelming at this stage.
Nesting: Nothing much because I have no room or area to prepare yet.
Favorite activity: Evening walks with my hubby and having him rub/scratch my belly, heep!
Exciting News: We have started looking at houses!!! Probably one of the most exciting things I have ever done with hubby (in regards to buying things).
Not-So-Exciting-News: We're playing the waiting game now until Zach starts his job in June and we get VA certification for the home loan.
Looking forward to...: A 3 day weekend for Memorial Day :-)
Not looking forward to...: Seeing the dreaded "sale pending" status on the house we really love.
** Only 15-16 weeks to go, 3.5 months!!!! Wow, time is sure zooming by...
Changes in Baby: Starting to plump up, putting on weight now. Hair color and texture is present now if we could see baby's head. Baby should have moved from breech position (feet first exit) to head down and rump up.
Changes in Mama: Strech marks :-( Growing, growing, grown!
Cravings: Iced Tea (thanks McD's $1 large drinks), watermelon
Aversions: What can I say? I want it all, nothing overwhelming at this stage.
Nesting: Nothing much because I have no room or area to prepare yet.
Favorite activity: Evening walks with my hubby and having him rub/scratch my belly, heep!
Exciting News: We have started looking at houses!!! Probably one of the most exciting things I have ever done with hubby (in regards to buying things).
Not-So-Exciting-News: We're playing the waiting game now until Zach starts his job in June and we get VA certification for the home loan.
Looking forward to...: A 3 day weekend for Memorial Day :-)
Not looking forward to...: Seeing the dreaded "sale pending" status on the house we really love.
** Only 15-16 weeks to go, 3.5 months!!!! Wow, time is sure zooming by...
What is THAT?!
It's a sad day when I say to my husband, "I noticed these weird new marks on my chest." And he says, "Sweetie, those are stretch marks." Ahhhh! They say it's no use crying over spilled milk, but you better believe I almost cried over these blasted stretch marks. This was maybe a week ago or so...and this morning I noticed a new streak that runs along the left side of my belly and another that slashes from my left side to about belly button. And you know what, it's because Baby Holm likes to lounge off-center with either head or tusher protruding out of the left side of my belly. You can definitely see that my belly is lopsided. Sad face to the max! :-( I guess I shouldn't be surprised because all the books (and real life ladies who have had babies) have said that lotion or no lotion, the marks can appear- oh and I DO put lotion on the belly, the good stuff too. I'm not sad about them appearing, just sad that they won't go away. I suppose I should just smile and say to myself, "Oh the many wonders of pregnancy...."
Monday, May 23, 2011
No Tresspassing
So Baby Holm doesn't like it when outside objects (ie. cups, hands, solid monitoring wands...) are poked into my belly. First we had the punching or kicking of the sonograph wand, and last night I had a water glass resting on my belly. Guess what, Baby Holm didn't like it invading the belly space. I could see the glass being bumped around from the inside force of the kick or punch. It was sooo funny! Here my glass was bouncing around and Zach and I could see it! Crazy little kid ;-) Hopefully this isn't a sign of future personality traits involving personal space...
I also got my first, "Cute belly!" yesterday evening while I was walking back to my car through the grocery parking lot. It kind of surprised me, especially since I was making an awful face while rubbing my belly because that little baby butt was trying to come out of my left side. Friday night I had a woman say to me, "You probably get this a lot, but what's your due date?" I actually don't get that a lot...very rarely. I think people are too afraid to be wrong about the pregnancy. I think my belly has gotten to the incredibly obvious stage- either I'm pregnant or bloated like a dead piglet. I wish more people would ask me. Makes me feel happier about looking pregnant and not just fat, haha.
I also got my first, "Cute belly!" yesterday evening while I was walking back to my car through the grocery parking lot. It kind of surprised me, especially since I was making an awful face while rubbing my belly because that little baby butt was trying to come out of my left side. Friday night I had a woman say to me, "You probably get this a lot, but what's your due date?" I actually don't get that a lot...very rarely. I think people are too afraid to be wrong about the pregnancy. I think my belly has gotten to the incredibly obvious stage- either I'm pregnant or bloated like a dead piglet. I wish more people would ask me. Makes me feel happier about looking pregnant and not just fat, haha.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Do You Know Charlie?
Yeaaaaah, I met Mr. Horse last night...Charlie Horse, that is. I've heard from a friend and others that muscle spasms can be quite frequent (and painful) during pregnancy. Let me tell you, last night in the wee hours of the morning I was jolted awake by severe pain in my right calf muscle. Not only was I unable to flex my foot to get the knot out, but I had to catapult myself out of bed in order to get my foot to even go flat. I thought I was going to die...or at least I hoped my leg would fall off so the pain would stop. I think I scared Zach half to death from my lightning-fast bed exit...and my yelling...and the hopping around like a deranged rabbitt. Poor guy...poor me, haha. Not to mention, as the belly grows, sitting up gets more difficult...and quick movements can make for sore tummy muscles. This didn't help. I hope this doesn't continue, but I fear it's just beginning. I calf still feels sore.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Baby Update: 24 Weeks
Baby Size: Gained about 4 oz since last week, and is about 1' long (like an ear of corn). Very lean now, but will start filling out in the weeks to come.
Mama Size: Only gained 2lbs since my last appt 3 weeks ago, whew!
Baby Movement: Early morning, mid-afternoon, and late night lots of kicking, punching and rolling around.
Cravings: Water, watermelon, iced tea
Aversions: Haven't noticed anything recently, probably because I'm hungry all the time now!
Nesting: Can we just have a room to paint yellow yet.... :-)
Exciting news: Zach is now a 2nd Lt in the Army Reserves, and he is also a college grad with a Bachelors in Business. So proud of him!!!! I had a great time with our families in town too- very fun! Also, the ultrasound more likely to be covered now.
Not-so-much: Lots of aches and pains in my lower back, legs, and's going to be a long summer.
Looking Forward to...: Zach's 24th Bday is tomorrow, 5/19. Should be fun seeing how we decide to celebrate! :-)
Next Appointment: In 4 weeks, 6/13 which will mark my last 4 week, and then I will move to 2 week appointments.
Mama Size: Only gained 2lbs since my last appt 3 weeks ago, whew!
Baby Movement: Early morning, mid-afternoon, and late night lots of kicking, punching and rolling around.
Cravings: Water, watermelon, iced tea
Aversions: Haven't noticed anything recently, probably because I'm hungry all the time now!
Nesting: Can we just have a room to paint yellow yet.... :-)
Exciting news: Zach is now a 2nd Lt in the Army Reserves, and he is also a college grad with a Bachelors in Business. So proud of him!!!! I had a great time with our families in town too- very fun! Also, the ultrasound more likely to be covered now.
Not-so-much: Lots of aches and pains in my lower back, legs, and's going to be a long summer.
Looking Forward to...: Zach's 24th Bday is tomorrow, 5/19. Should be fun seeing how we decide to celebrate! :-)
Next Appointment: In 4 weeks, 6/13 which will mark my last 4 week, and then I will move to 2 week appointments.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Big Weekend
What a weekend! Everything went so well for this weekend's events. Zach had an amazing commissioning ceremony...which, by the way, was really emotional for this preg lady. I wanted to cry soooo much, not just a few tears, but the whole waterworks. I held it all in with a quiver of the lip, because I knew that if I let loose it would have been a wailing sob (pregnancy emotions were on HIGH). Too funny. It was just so exciting because Zach has worked sooooo hard, for so long and he finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel. The long haul, hard road is finally over (at least that leg of our life journey). So awesome!
Then his college graduation was the next day, which was a very proud moment as well. My dad said that only like 33% of people who go to college actually finish by getting their degree. That's a big accomplishment!!! So proud of my man! Words don't express it.
Time with our family and friends was really great too! Thanks to everyone who was able to make the ceremonies and the parties at the house! A special thanks to those who helped make it all possible by helping set up/tear down, making food, and keeping me sane. Couldn't have done it without everyone's helping hands!
Overall, we are very happy with how this weekend turned out :-) I was a little overwhelmed with all the activity and very little sleep- had some legs/feet swelling and stomach cramping, but I was able to remedy that Monday by staying home from work and sleep a lot. It was a good learning experience for what to expect this summer. Lots of water and feet elevated!! My doc said I just need to be very diligient with drinking plenty of water because that will keep me from becoming dehydrated which makes water retention greater. Also, keeping active every day (not too extremely, but moderately) will help keep me feeling better.
Then his college graduation was the next day, which was a very proud moment as well. My dad said that only like 33% of people who go to college actually finish by getting their degree. That's a big accomplishment!!! So proud of my man! Words don't express it.
Time with our family and friends was really great too! Thanks to everyone who was able to make the ceremonies and the parties at the house! A special thanks to those who helped make it all possible by helping set up/tear down, making food, and keeping me sane. Couldn't have done it without everyone's helping hands!
Overall, we are very happy with how this weekend turned out :-) I was a little overwhelmed with all the activity and very little sleep- had some legs/feet swelling and stomach cramping, but I was able to remedy that Monday by staying home from work and sleep a lot. It was a good learning experience for what to expect this summer. Lots of water and feet elevated!! My doc said I just need to be very diligient with drinking plenty of water because that will keep me from becoming dehydrated which makes water retention greater. Also, keeping active every day (not too extremely, but moderately) will help keep me feeling better.
Prenatal Check up
Yesterday we had our 5th appointment- everything is looking good so far. I have my next appointment in 4 weeks, and then I will start going in every two weeks. After talking to our baby doctor, she is going to try to re-submit (based on the fact that Zach's grandma had a heart defect) our ultrasound so insurance will cover the costs (whew!). I can say I am VERY relieved to hear that. We were able to talk a little more about labor and delivery in regards to what is important to me. Feels good to be on the same page.
The funniest thing happened when the nurse was getting Baby Holm's heartbeat...apparently Baby didn't like the wand pushing down because it got punched 3 times! Hilarious! I think we have a feisty little bugger on our hands :-) Stubborn like Mama and full of energy like Daddy. Only 16 weeks left until we get to meet our little sea monkey :-) Max time would be 17 weeks, because the docs won't let us go more than a week past our due date (which apparently is Sept. 9 or something now). Sometime mid-Sept. :-)
Results of the ultrasound were great, by the way. Nothing abnormal, all healthy. Great news!!
The funniest thing happened when the nurse was getting Baby Holm's heartbeat...apparently Baby didn't like the wand pushing down because it got punched 3 times! Hilarious! I think we have a feisty little bugger on our hands :-) Stubborn like Mama and full of energy like Daddy. Only 16 weeks left until we get to meet our little sea monkey :-) Max time would be 17 weeks, because the docs won't let us go more than a week past our due date (which apparently is Sept. 9 or something now). Sometime mid-Sept. :-)
Results of the ultrasound were great, by the way. Nothing abnormal, all healthy. Great news!!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Baby Update: 23 weeks
About the size of a large mango.
What's New with Baby: Lots of movement! Sometimes I can see Baby Holm moving under my skin, but just a little.What's New with Mama: Heartburn is getting very bad, even with taking meds. I nearly threw up last night because the acid was so intense. Not fun. Lots of aches and pains from sitting or standing too long. Stretching of my belly feels like I've reached my max expansion, but there's a lot more to come.
Cravings: Iced Tea, Water, BWW
Aversions: Nothing new food-wise....stinky people really make my skin crawl and my tummy turn.
Temp Control: Either hot or cold, never just comfortable.
Nesting: Ready for Baby Holm now....what's with this waiting? ;-) I've been reading all sorts of articles on
Exciting News: Zach is taking his last final today!! Big weekend for our little family :-)
Not-So-Exciting-News: Our insurance isn't covering the ultrasound we had...oh dear. Also, yesterday I was at Aldi getting some things for the party, one of which was a 24 pack of waters. Very heavy and no one helped me! One lady even cut in front of me in line bc I was resting the water on a freezer while the line moved forward!!! How rude!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Baby Karate
Last night I felt a series of punches start down low and slowly move upwards to about mid-belly. Maybe Baby Holm was pushing off the walls to reposition for better sleepytime?? Very interesting.
The kicks and punches seem to be getting stronger as the days go by. Personally, I think it will be any day now that movement will be felt on the outside. It's hard for me to tell at this point if I am feeling it on the inside or if I am really feeling it with my hands on the outside. Seems to be noticeable only while I'm sitting or lying down.
We have another check up on Monday. I feel like I have more questions at this point about labor and delivery than anything else. I want to find out what my doctor's view is on what point do they decide a c-section is necessary. I do not want a c-section unless either my baby or I will die without one. I plan on pushing til I can't push anymore, and then pushing some more :-) Easier said than done, I'm sure. I'm just THAT stubborn. I think Zach finds it amusing how stubborn I am when it comes to labor and delivery. That's just me, and he knows it :-) I'm also not taking any pain meds. I say bring it. Pain won't kill me, and it must not be life-shattering because women still have more babies after the first. You may think I'm crazy, but I'm just strong-willed. If my Grandma Bryant were around she would tell you a little story about a horse named Belle, a creek, and me.....
The kicks and punches seem to be getting stronger as the days go by. Personally, I think it will be any day now that movement will be felt on the outside. It's hard for me to tell at this point if I am feeling it on the inside or if I am really feeling it with my hands on the outside. Seems to be noticeable only while I'm sitting or lying down.
We have another check up on Monday. I feel like I have more questions at this point about labor and delivery than anything else. I want to find out what my doctor's view is on what point do they decide a c-section is necessary. I do not want a c-section unless either my baby or I will die without one. I plan on pushing til I can't push anymore, and then pushing some more :-) Easier said than done, I'm sure. I'm just THAT stubborn. I think Zach finds it amusing how stubborn I am when it comes to labor and delivery. That's just me, and he knows it :-) I'm also not taking any pain meds. I say bring it. Pain won't kill me, and it must not be life-shattering because women still have more babies after the first. You may think I'm crazy, but I'm just strong-willed. If my Grandma Bryant were around she would tell you a little story about a horse named Belle, a creek, and me.....
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This morning my lower belly was feeling lots of movement...which is normal, but this time it was as if Baby Holm was tickling my tummy from the inside. It tickled enough to make me giggle at times. I wonder if those little fingers were wiggling around. It had to be little fingers and hands because I still felt the pressure of little feet and legs extended and pushing into my stomach. What an odd sensation! Tickled from the inside...and there was nothing I could do about it- oh the torture! I really hate being tickled as it is, but this really wasn't fair. I couldn't even fight back! It's probably what a Tickle Me Elmo feels like...
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Baby Holm must really want this from our registry. |
Monday, May 9, 2011
Belly Room
I feel like my belly will stretch no feels sooo tight already and I know I have a lot more stretching to go through. It's always the worst in the morning. I feel like my belly might just bust, but I know it really won't. It just feels that way. It's such a weird feeling compared to having a belly full of food- it's nothing like that. It doesn't go away when I'm on E, just stays big and bulging. My belly kind of feels like a big balloon...all pumped full of air, but not a bloated/full of toots kind of way, nor a light as helium air, more like weighted down and about to split open. Lovely image.
I'm starting to be a tad uncomfortable all the time now. If I sit too long I ache. If I stand too long I ache. Once I start aching it's really hard to get comfortable. :-( I have a few months to go too- which I'm sure the aching will only get worse.
I'm starting to be a tad uncomfortable all the time now. If I sit too long I ache. If I stand too long I ache. Once I start aching it's really hard to get comfortable. :-( I have a few months to go too- which I'm sure the aching will only get worse.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Stretch Marks
Maybe too much information, but I already had some faint stretch marks on my hips and thighs, but NOW the ends of the marks are beginning to turn red. So SAD! I put lotion on my tummy after every shower and I'm still getting the darkening of those nasty buggers. I HOPE that I can manage the ones that are already existent and avoid gaining any new strech marks. My mom said she used lotion every day on her belly when she was pregnant and she never got stretch I still have hope of exstinguishing the chances of any new appearances (no matter what those books say). What a lovely way to endure swimsuit season, eh?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ultrasound pics
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Baby Update: 22 Weeks
Not Looking Forward to...: All the work that goes into throwing party.
Nesting: I want everything set up now, even though we're not even sure we'll be living in the same place when Baby comes. I want to buy everything on our baby registries and start getting it washed and ready now! Reading lots about labor&delivery, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn.
Baby movement: LOTS of kicks and turns, especially those long legs up in my ribcage. I feel like there's no room for Baby, and I just don't see how Baby could grow anymore- though I know it will happen.
Mama Changes: No room for food in my belly or air in my lungs... Belly is getting bigger, and says my belly button could pop any day now. Peeing 1-2 times per night (as long as I go right before bed and as soon as I wake up). Sleeping well until the wee hours of the moring, then I wake up and have a very hard time getting back to sleep before my alarm goes off.
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Papaya |
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Spaghetti Squash |
Baby Size: About 10.5-11.8" and 20.8 oz, or the size of a papaya or spaghetti squash.
Baby Sleep: Baby is now sleeping about 12-14 hours per day (and kicking up a storm the rest of the time).
Mama Sleep: Trying to get as much as possible because I know I won't be getting much once Baby comes.
Cravings: Iced Tea, Jack's Frozen Pepperoni Pizza, WATER! Taco Bell
Aversions: Tuna
Looking Forward to...: Zach's graduation/commissioning and seeing my familyNot Looking Forward to...: All the work that goes into throwing party.
Nesting: I want everything set up now, even though we're not even sure we'll be living in the same place when Baby comes. I want to buy everything on our baby registries and start getting it washed and ready now! Reading lots about labor&delivery, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn.
Baby movement: LOTS of kicks and turns, especially those long legs up in my ribcage. I feel like there's no room for Baby, and I just don't see how Baby could grow anymore- though I know it will happen.
Mama Changes: No room for food in my belly or air in my lungs... Belly is getting bigger, and says my belly button could pop any day now. Peeing 1-2 times per night (as long as I go right before bed and as soon as I wake up). Sleeping well until the wee hours of the moring, then I wake up and have a very hard time getting back to sleep before my alarm goes off.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Last night I got my first baby kick that surprised me. I was sitting there on the couch reading a book about labor&delivery when I got such a forceful kick that it made me jump :-O I'm sure baby has many more in store for mama as the weeks progress. Lucky me, huh? :-)
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