Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things Not to Tell an Expecting Mother...

    I had an elderly gentleman ask me this morning if I was expecting (though I can't remember the exact phrase he used, something like bump bump).  He then asked if this was our first, ultrasound reults, gender, name, etc... After all this he tells me that his daughter unexplicably lost her first baby just a week or so before her due date and another family member lost her baby at birth due to strangulation by the cord.  Well geez!  Thanks a lot, Mister!  Oh, he also said that his daugther stopped going to church for a while and it totally altered her personality.  Oh my!  Usually people just congratulate me and move on...not this guy.  And the surprising thing (if there could be something more) was that he said it all with a smile on his face as if he were encouraging me.  Not so much.  He did say girls are easier and more fun (yeah, as long as they make it past birth, right Mister?).  I just have to remind myself that I am carrying a beautiful gift from God, a miracle...and there's a reason for everything that happens in this life.   


  1. I had an immature coworker share similar stories with my expecting coworker... no tact.

  2. Sheesh - sometimes I wonder what goes through people's heads to make them say such stupid stuff without thinking!
