Size of Baby: Over 17" long and weighs a little over 4 lbs (like a pineapple)
Changes in Baby: losing that wrinkley skin and baby's bones are hardening, except the skull which remains soft to get through the birth canal (thank goodness!)
Changes in Mama: Frequent contractions towards the end of the day...sometimes a little painful, but mostly just uncomfortable.
Changes in Daddy: Working hard to get loose ends settled before Baby H comes.
Baby Movement: I always laugh when I read that I should be able to feel 10 movements in 1-2 hours....I feel that in about 5 minutes or less in the late evening. Our baby is definitely a little mover and a shaker!
Cravings: Water...but I'm getting so sick of being thirsty all the time, no matter how much I drink. still thirsty.
Aversions: Strong smells that I'm not used to smelling.
Current Sypmtoms: Heartburn, of course. Trouble sleeping because my left hip is starting to get sore from being favored every night. Swelling feet, so bad sometimes it feels like my foot may burst if I try bending it. Braxton Hicks (tightening in my tummy and lower back). Lots of trips to the bathroom....all this seems pretty standard for this stage in the game though.
Nesting: Yes! I want to have everything ready, clean, and perfect for when our baby comes. The sad part is that I can't do much at night after work because I have to head straight to the couch with the mountain of pillows to prop my feet way up and a big ol' cup of icewater....and there I sit, looking at all the messes that should be getting cleaned.
Current Mood: Over everything except that which involves Baby H...
Interesting Tidbit of Info: All my coworkers have started a pool to see when Baby H will come (so far I think the pot is up to $5, haha)
Looking Forward to...: A weekend away from work, away from requests, away from phones ringing... Ultrasound on Monday morning, so we should find out more about why my belly is sooooo large. Only 7 weeks til my originial due date.
Next Appt: Ultrasound- 7/25/11 Prenatal- 8/01/11