Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Laundry

  Yesterday (after I had realized how unprepared I was for an early delivery), I went to the store for baby detergent to get started on all that little laundry.  I ended up deciding on Purex Baby.  I like the fresh scent, but I also like that it's hypoallergenic.  Not knowing if our baby will have any skin reactions, I steered clear of the fabric softeners like Downy, which I have reactions to myself.  I did get some Bounce Free dryer sheets because I've never had a reaction to those and I just can't stand static-city clothes.  Maybe I went a little overboard with the baby products, but I purchased Palmolive Baby dish soap specifically designed to clean baby bottles and toys without all the harsh additives.  Give me a break, it's our first baby :-)  I'm allowed to go a little overboard sometimes.  


  1. I'd never heard of Palmolive Baby! That's awesome!

    Have fun folding all those adorable little baby clothes :)

  2. haha, adorable, but certainly NOT the easiest things to fold...and I thought I hated folding our socks.....
