I feel like I've made it to the end at last...and I can see the finish line out in front of me. I still have 5 weeks at most, but only 1 week until we're considered full term and just 4 weeks until our due date (September 9, 2011). I'm uncomfortable, but not unbearably so. I have the majority of everything prepared, but there are still a few loose ends. I'm nervous, but nothing extreme or unnerving. I'm on my toes, so to speak, looking for those signs of labor or my water breaking, but not freaking out. I think I've reached the calm before the storm, you could say. Assuming I don't deliver until my due date or after, I'm planning on starting my maternity leave the week prior (Sept. 4-9). This should give me some time to get all those loose ends together, plus time for relaxation and quality time with my wonderful husband.
Today has been kind of rough in regards to slowing down. I know I have a very difficult time slowing my pace; I like to go, go go- no sense in wasting time dawdling. However, I was having a really hard time breathing this morning while maintaining my usual pace. I kept stopping and telling myself, "Sloooow Down, Mario!!" Maybe no one else has this problem, but I do. Unfortunately, my pregnant body is telling me to stop zooming around but my mind is not listening very well.
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