Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Let's Go Let's Go- L e t s g o!

Still nothing.  Waiting, and nothing is happening.  I'm still dilated 1cm, but the doc did say the stages of dilation can progress unexpectedly and very quickly.  That's hopeful.  Holly is moving all around, but she hasn't engaged her head yet.  The doc said she could feel her head, but it's not locked in place for delivery yet....she knows because when the doc tapped her little baby head, she moved up and down.  Darn.  We tried walking and nothing happened except my body felt like I had just run a marathon afterwards when we got home and I had been sitting for a little bit.  Poo.  I asked the doc what I can do, and she told me a few of those Old Wives Tales, like eating Chinese because of MSG, pizza, or just plain eating or having "intercourse"* or walking.  Zach and I decided that doing all three at once is not possible, but I think I'll just stick with the walking, and lots of it.  I would try squats or lunges, but I don't know if I could get back up after moving into the down position- unassisted anyway.  I would try spicy foods, but then I would just be miserable while plagued with raging heartburn, and most likely still pregnant.  I think I'll just clean our place...

*I love how doctors always use the scientific terminology for everything...they should use a British accent too.  It would make it even better!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel so bad for you - waiting STINKS!!!! I think the best thing is to get as much rest as possible and if there's anything you want to do (a movie you wanted to see, a book to read, etc), do it now because you won't have time once she comes! No matter what you do, she'll come when she's ready so you might as well chill out and do whatever you like to do while you're still a fam of two ;)

    Hang in there dear! Love you!
