Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Belly: Start to Finish

12 Weeks

14.5 Weeks

16.5 Weeks

18 Weeks

20 Weeks

22.5 Weeks

25.5 Weeks

26.5 Weeks

28.5 Weeks

31 Weeks

32.5 Weeks

335 Weeks

35.5 Weeks

37 Weeks

38 Weeks

Baby Update: 39 Weeks

Size of Baby:  Around 20" long and about the size of a mini watermelon, 7 lbs or so.
Baby Movement:  During the u/s today, Baby was doing log roll (which made it more difficult for the u/s tech to count her practicing breathing and such).  Still head down :-)
Changes in Baby:  Still layering on the fat for those chubby cheeks...taking her precious time in coming out to meet Mommy and Daddy.
Changes in Mama:  My boobs are getting noticeably larger...milk production is in high gear (or so it seems, haha).
Dilation: 1 cm
Current Symptoms:  Major heartburn again.  Shortness of breath.  Can't really complain about much...except waiting......
Funny Tidbit:  I'm thinking about putting warpaint on my face after I go into labor....I feel like I'm ready for the big battle.  Bring it!
Cravings:  Baked potatoes, cereal, orange juice, and water
Aversions:  What's that?  I'm very hungry this last week...
Nesting:  Getting those last minute loose ends all tied up (as much as possible).  Strong urges to clean this or that.
Exciting News:  Signed the first set of papers for the home loan.... shouldn't be long now before we know if we'll get the house or not.  Maternity leave has been great so far :-)
Looking Forward to...:  Having Holly...hellloooooo?! ;-)
Next Appointments:  Sept. 6- prenatal checkup/ Sept. 7- weekly u/s


    I went to the outlet mall the other day...and spent several hours browsing the baby clothes stores :-)  I got a bunch of great deals on some super-cute outfits for Holly.  I found a blue and silver dress that will be adorable for Christmas.  I love that Oshkosh B'Gosh and Carters wll let you return/exchange clothes no matter how long you've had them for...with receipt you can get a refund, without you can get store credit.   That is really gret considering there's no way to tell how Holly will grow.  It was very fun shopping for our little baby girl.
    At Hobby Lobby I got some 50% off baskets to snazz up our changing table and give it a little more kick to organization.  Double score!  Now we're just playing the waiting game some more....I'm beginning to not enjoy this game as much, haha.  ONE MORE WEEK....and it's taking forever....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Last Day at Work

Today is officially my last day at work before my maternity leaves starts Monday August 29.  I'll get the 2 weeks before I give birth, then 10 weeks after baby arrives- all with 80% pay.  Woo hoo!  I just don't think anything could happen at work today to make this one a bad one.  Not to mention, I'm going out to lunch with my work wife, Rachel.  So fun!!!  Here's to taking time for rest, quality time with hubby, and relaxation before baby comes.....until the real work begins ;-)
Just have a baby ;-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Update: 38 Weeks

Size of Baby:  I'd say around 7 lbs now (I asked U.S. tech to guess, but she said it wasn't possible for that type of U.S., oh well) and about 19.5" long (like a leek).
Baby Movement:  Still very active late morning, late afternoon, and late evening, also off and on throughout the night.  Practicing her breathing, likes to put her hands in her mouth, gives Mama a good kick in the right ribcage periodically.
Changes in Baby:  Getting bigger every day longer that she stays in my belly.  I think she already has quite the personality....and may turn out to be a handful, haha.
Changes in Mama:  Noticing the size of the belly these days...definitely harder to roll over in bed and a pillow has to support my belly when I'm on my side or it's just way to heavy.  Constantly out of breath and anticipating when Baby drops....soon?  I hope.
Cravings:  cheesy, bacon-filled potato skins :-) water, baked potato w/butter, salt/pepper, and chives
Aversions:  Meat with weird textures
Current Symptoms:  heartburn, BH contractions, shortness of breath, slight weightloss, exhaustion painted on my face no matter how much I sleep...
Hormones:  I was about 1 second from a pregnancy outburst this past weekend when I was standing in line at a gas station to buy a water (and only a water).  I had horrible heartburn radiating up my throat and I needed the dang water to take my heartburn pill.  There were about 4 people in front of me in the line and one after the other, they all wanted to take their time picking out cigarettes and lottery tickets.  It was taking a ridiculous amount of time, and I almost screamed, "Hurry up!  Are you kidding me?!  None of you are going to win any money from those stupid lotteries and then you're just going to get lung cancer and die!!!!!!!  Get out of my way and let me pay for this flipping water!!!!!!!"  They all made it out by the skin on their teeth and they didn't even know what danger had been lurking just below the surface...... 
Nesting:  Frequent bursts of energy to clean without stopping :-)
Funny Tidbit:  Sunday night I wanted potato skins, so we went to a restuarant that had them....only to find out that the kitchen had ran out!!!  WHAAAT?!  I almost burst into tears on the spot.  Then the waitress wanted to give me a free dessert instead, I am not even a dessert person.  Zach took care of his hunny though- we got up and left since we hadn't gotten any food or anything yet.  We went to a diff restaurant and they improvised a baked potato for me.  What an ordeal!
Bad News:  My OB/GYN resigned, so now I'm in limbo trying to pick a new far I just haven't found one I really like.  Shouldn't docs who deliver babies be excited about pregnancies, not just so boring all the time.  I want a doc who is excited with me before, during, and after delivery.
Exciting News:  in the process of applying for a FHA loan...if all goes well and we're approved, we could be moving into the house by the end of Sept.  Ah! :-)
Looking Forward to...:  Meeting Holly!!!  (of course)  My last day of work: tomorrow 8/26/11.
Next Doc Appt:  Wednesday August 31, U.S. and weekly prenatal check up.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Exciting News :->

VA certification is taking forever, and it seems like the VA department isn't really giving Zach any answers and he feels like he has hit a brickwall with them.  So, we have decided to go with a FHA loan.  The only difference is that FHA requires a minimum down payment of like 3.15%, whereas VA does not require any down payment.  That's only a few thousand dollars, which is totally doable.  Yay!  We met with our mortgage lender today, and he said that once he gets all our documents, the fee for the apparaisal, and the application submitted, we could be looking at closing in 3 weeks or so.  Holy Cripes!!!  How awesome does that sound?  Pretty flipping awesome, I'd say!  So maybe late Septmember we could actually be in our own home...our first house as a family :-) 

The Time is NOT now :-/

False alarm.  Still only 1 cm dilated.  I was so excited and then wam!  Got knocked off my happy horse when the doctor told me, "Not today..."  Well when?!  Okay, I know I'm just getting over-excited because I've already waited 8 months, and I've never been pregnant before so I don't know exactly what true labor will feel like.  One of my favorite nurses encouraged me that when labor starts for real, I will know.  I jsut wish my water would break at the start of labor so I will know for sure that it's game time.  The nurse pin pointed my personality when she said, "You like to be in control, right?  Not having any control over when you go into labor can be frustrating.  Hang in there, your little baby is just waiting for the right moment."  I wanted to hug her, like I said, she's my favorite nurse.  I wish she could be my OB/GYN...
On another note, I think this will be my last week at work.  My head and heart are no longer coming to work with me.  My head is flying somewhere in the clouds dreaming of babies and pink outfits, while my heart is staying home with my husband because I miss him so.  I want to spend some quality time with him before two becomes three; he's such a wonderful man and he deserves more than a few words here and there in passing (or sleeping since our schedules are so opposite).  I'm not sure how my boss will like the news, but I think it's best for our family.  Plus, I need some time to rest before our world is turned upside down.  Real rest and relaxation, not just sitting at a desk all day.  That's boring, not restful or relaxing.  Here's to going on maternity leave.... :-) 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Could it Be?

   I stayed home from work yesterday because I woke up having some pretty regular contractions, which seemed to get more consistent as the day went on, but then they faded out.  False alarm.  Today, on the other hand, I came to work because I'd like to get paid rather than sitting home and playing the waiting game.  Shortly after I got to work, my contractions started again....
   After a while, I called the doctor's office and the nurse advised me to time them for a couple hours and then report back to her.  I was able to time for about an hour, and they were coming about every 5 minutes or so for about 1-2 minutes each.  The only thing is that they aren't very intense or getting stronger.  That was until I got up and walked around in the back for a while.  As soon as I was up and moving, the intensity seemed to increase quite rapidly.  I reported back to the nurse and she said it sounds like it could be true labor.  As long as my water doesn't break, I'm planning on going in late afternoon for a quick check-up with the doctor.  We shall Baby H ready to make her grand entrance??

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

   I know it's so bad for your teeth, but I LOVE eating ice these days.  In the last couple months I guess you could say I've been craving ice, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a food craving.  It's weird, but I now know which restaurants have the best ice cubes.  The winner is A&W :-)  It's like little rods of ice that have been broken into smaller bits.  Also it's not so hard as normal ice cubes, so...maybe not so hard on my teeth?

Last GB Weekly Visit

    During the ultrasound today, they not only did the usual measuring the deepest pocket, but they also took  a measurement of  baby's size.  Right now, at 37 weeks Holly weighs in at 6 lbs 7 oz.  Wow!  And we still have 3 weeks to go for her to keep packing on that cute, chubby baby fat.  I thought it was exciting news!
    My only complaint about this visit was the ultrasound technician.  I've liked all the rest, but this one wasn't my favorite.  At one point, I guess she wanted Baby to change positions because the tech started shaking my belly using the wand.  I wanted to be like, "Hello!  That doesn't feel the greatest, and I don't really care for you shaking my baby.  That belly happens to be attached to my body!"  And then, even though Baby wasn't moving as much as usual, the tech still couldn't get any good pictures.  Last week the tech got about 6-10 great pictures while Baby was moving all over the place in there.  Thankfully I won't have to see this tech again :-)
   On a side note, I was a little nervous driving to Greenbay today by myself.  I couldn't help but wondering what I would do if I went into labor during the drive or even at the wrong hospital...not to mention, my husband was an hour away.  I kept wondering that if my water broke would the doctors and nurses let me drive myself back to Oshkosh.....  Don't know.  Thankfully I made it back to town without any complications :-)  Except excessive traffic on 41S.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are you serious?!

  I just got a call from Aurora saying that my current OB/GYN Dr. Katie Murphy is resigning as of this Friday and I needed to reschedule my appointments with a different doctor.  Whaaaaat?!  I'm a pretty calm individual, but this kind of freaked me out just a little bit....First of all, I have 3/4 weeks left in my pregnancy.  Second of all, I liked my doctor.  Third of all, just grrrrrr!  Why now?  Why not months ago when it didn't matter so much?  Well I picked Dr. Sheila Anderson to be my new doctor.  If she doesn't fit well with us, then I will probably switch back to Dr. Holly since he has seen me a few times already.  I just prefer a woman doctor; always have, always will.  I just have to remind myself that, "All things work together for the good of those who love God and keep His commandments."

Baby Update: 37 Weeks

Size of Baby: 6 1/3 lbs and a little over 19 inches long (or the head to heel length of a stalk of Swiss Chard)
Changes in Baby:  Now considered Full Term!!!!! :-)  Oh happy days!!  Lots of hair, breathing in the amniotic fluid, head down and ready for her grand exit.
Baby Movement:  When she kicks, she kicks!  Most nights the dance party starts around 8pm and continues until I don't even know because I go to bed, haha.  There are times when I feel like I'm in the movie "Alien".
Changes in Mama:  Lots and lots of Braxton Hicks contractions!  I feel like my stomach is one giant, hard ball for most of the day and night.  They especially increase as the day goes on into the afternoon and evening.  Then they reappear right away in the morning, decreasing again until late afternoon.  It's like a BH roller coaster.  Not the most fun ride.  Weird appetite- I can go from being starving to not wanting to eat at all.  I've lost probably half the weight or more that I had originally gained during my pregnancy. 
Cravings: Water, orange juice, popsicles
Aversions:  Anything that doesn't look or smell appealing (like leftovers that have been around for a few days or something with a weird texture).
Current Symptoms: BH contractions, increase in discharge though nothing to indicate water breaking or loss of mucous plug, difficulty breathing after a brisk walk or going up the stairs, increase in nightly pee breaks, extreme tiredness during the day, but wakefulness at night when I should be tired/sleeping, heartburn, swelling feet/ankles in late afternoon/evening, burning sensation at the top of my uterus/bottom of my ribs because my belly is stretched to the max, inability to concentrate, feeling very warm.....should I go on?  I think I've reached the pinnacle of the pregnancy symptoms.
Nesting:  Getting those last minute loose ends tied together.
  • hospital bag mostly packed
  • nursery "area" arranged (pretty darling even without having an actual room)
  • call list ready for when we head to the hospital
  • car seat and sun blockers installed in the car
Dreams:  A couple people came over to visit, but they weren't invited.  When Zach and I heard the doorbell, we were scrambling around to get things together.  When this couple came inside, the woman was someone I really do not care for and the man was someone else's husband, not hers.  I seemed shocked to see them, but I pretended like everything was normal.  I went to get Holly out of her highchair, and I must have realized she was still a newborn because at that moment she couldn't hold her head up by herself.  I kept trying to show her off and her little hat would dip down over her cute face.  Also there were ties on her hat and I felt really nervous that it could suffocate her.  The next scene we were leaving for the hospital and I realized I had forgotten the hospital bag (we must have been on the way to labor/delivery) and it seemed like I actually hadn't given birth yet.  Very weird and very vivid.
Looking Forward to...:  Working my last day, Sept. 2 (if we make it to that date.)  Seeing our little Holly's cutie baby face, of course!  Family being here for the big event.  Getting official belly pics taken in a couple weeks (again, if we make it to that date).
Exciting News:  We finally got the VA certification letter back from Zach's commander, so we can send it to VA for loan approval.  Once that is approved, we can apply for the mortgage and buy the house!  Woo!Next Appointment: Thursday August 18- weekly ultrasound (last one in GreenBay!!)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Itch, Itch, Itch!

My skin has been itching like crazy for the past several weeks.  The intensity comes and goes, but definitely increases when my body temperature goes up, like from sun exposure, hot water, or humidity.  The worst is my legs and arms.  I haven't noticed any itching any where else.  It's almost like the reaction I have to certain fabric softeners and some dryer sheets, like Downy or Snuggle.  I get these tiny little bumps on my skin, not red or noticeable, and they become more pronounced the more I scratch....unless I scratch enough to remove the top layer of skin, oops.  (Yeah, my doctor already scolded me on that one)  I think I might have this -"prurigo of pregnancy".  Lovely.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is That Normal?

Don't read if you don't want to know some of those pregnancy ickies....

Since the doc checked me for dilation this morning, I've been crampy and not feeling so great the rest of the day. I've had some red-tinged discharge throughout the day (though I know that can be pretty normal for any pelvic exam) and menstrual-like cramps.  I did a little reading (nothing scientific or medically accurate) through some pregnancy blogs and other women have experienced this too; however, mostly I read that they went into labor shortly after.  I'm not thinking I'm going into labor myself (contractions haven't increased in frequency or intensity), but it doesn't seem too wonderful how I'm feeling.  The actual checking of my cervix wasn't painful either.  Plus, I was only dilated 1cm at the time, so.....just wondering if this is common to have an increase in pain below the belt after a pelvic exam when getting closer to being full term? 

Prenatal Visit

I thought for sure I'd be like this during pregnancy
  Today was my last two week appointment, the next few will be weekly (in addition to my already weekly ultrasounds that monitor amniotic fluid).  This morning was the Group B Swab test....not awful, but it's never fun getting surprised with the, "Okay, now undress from the waist down..."  No thanks?  Anyway, I also had the Doc check to see if I was dilated at all: 1 cm.  No baby coming yet, which is good because I want to get to 37 weeks to be considered full term.  Baby's H's heart rate was about 140 bpm- strong.  My fundal height was measuring 36, which is right on track (even though I was measuring that much 4 weeks ago due to the excess amniotic fluid).  The only not so great thing is that I'm still losing weight...about 3 lbs down from last Thursday's ultrasound.  It's not really an issue as long as baby is steadily gaining weight and I AM eating, let me tell you!  It's just been difficult to eat a lot...or more than I used to eat on a regular basis.  If I overeat, I feel horribly sick from the indigestion/acid reflux.  I eat when I'm hungry, and I eat a decent meal.  Doc didn't seemed concerned.  Though I am hungry right now....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Last Leg of the Race

   I feel like I've made it to the end at last...and I can see the finish line out in front of me.  I still have 5 weeks at most, but only 1 week until we're considered full term and just 4 weeks until our due date (September 9, 2011).  I'm uncomfortable, but not unbearably so.    I have the majority of everything prepared, but there are still a few loose ends.  I'm nervous, but nothing extreme or unnerving.  I'm on my toes, so to speak, looking for those signs of labor or my water breaking, but not freaking out.  I think I've reached the calm before the storm, you could say.  Assuming I don't deliver until my due date or after, I'm planning on starting my maternity leave the week prior (Sept. 4-9).  This should give me some time to get all those loose ends together, plus time for relaxation and quality time with my wonderful husband. 
  Today has been kind of rough in regards to slowing down.  I know I have a very difficult time slowing my pace; I like to go, go go- no sense in wasting time dawdling.  However, I was having a really hard time breathing this morning while maintaining my usual pace.  I kept stopping and telling myself, "Sloooow Down, Mario!!"  Maybe no one else has this problem, but I do.  Unfortunately, my pregnant body is telling me to stop zooming around but my mind is not listening very well. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jumping for Joy

  Either our little Baby H loves BWW as much as Mama or else she's practicing her gymnastics in there.  As soon as I started eating that glorious meal of garlic mushrooms with Southwestern sauce, boneless wings with Asian Zing sauce and buffalo chips, Baby H started moving all around.  I think she just wanted a taste... There is a wonderful feeling that comes from giving in to a craving.  I don't have many exciting ones, but every now and then....yum.  Give Mama what she craves ;-)

Baby Update: 36 Weeks

Size of Baby: More than 18.5" long and almost 6 lbs (about the weight of a Crenshaw melon).
Changes in Baby:  Lots of hair and even eyelashes!  Heart rate was 157 bpm at this morning's ultrasound.  Going strong with practicing her breathing.
Baby Movement:  Dr. Hill told me to start counting kicks...and that I should be getting 10 or more in an hour or so.  I get about 10 in 10 minutes every night starting around 8pm (just in time for taking dinner to Daddy).  Her head is still down :-)
Changes in Mama:  Nothing new, except I got hit so hard in the bladder the other night that I nearly peed my pants right there on the couch :-/  It's a good thing I didn't have a full bladder at the time, or else the story might have become much more embarrassing.  Baby H's movements are definitely getting stronger and more frequent.
Changes in Daddy:  So excited about our baby's increase in intensity and frequency of movement.  He wants to hold her soooo much.
Cravings: Buffalo Wild Wings, Water, popsicles
Aversions:  ham lunchmeat
Nesting:  All our baby stuff is organized in one location, newborn-sized clothes/blankies/burp clothes/etc. are washed and ready to be worn.  Hospital bag is ready to be packed....probably will install carseat this next week and see if I ca get it inspected at the local fire dept.  Finishing up Labor&Delivery courses and some reading.
Current Symptoms:  Heartburn, lower back aches, Braxton Hicks getting stronger and more frequent, lack of space for my stomach means I cannot eat normal-sized meals without feeling sick, some kind of unseen rash on my legs and arms that itches a lot (once I scratch my skin, then tiny little bumps can be seen, but they aren't red or anything- the same kind of reaction I have to Downy and other fabric softeners)...
Exciting News:  The house we are trying to buy passed the home inspection with flying colors, just a few minor repairs needed (a clogged drain, attic installation needed before winter, etc.).
Looking Forward to..: My last few weeks at work!!!!
Countdown: 4 more weeks!
Next Appointments: Monday August 15- prenatal check-up.  Thursday August 18- weekly ultrasound.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


    I knew I wanted to write about something since this morning, but I couldn't remember what it was!  I think that the bigger baby grows, the more my brain shrinks- seriously!  Anyway, I FINALLY had a lightbulb moment and remembered what I had forgotten....
    A woman's body is truly amazing!  To see all the changes that occur during pregnancy that prepare for having a child is really remarkable.  Just this morning it dawned on me that the reason I'm getting up every 3 hours to pee each night is not JUST to pee.  It's more or less getting me ready to be up feeding my baby every couple hours during the night.  Tricky tricky.  How cool is that?!  I suppose it would be rather a huge shock to our bodies if we jumped from continual sleep for 6-8 hours a night to sporadic sleeping patterns in the matter of a day.  It's super-amazing how I can go to bed at 9:30 pm, 10:30 pm, or 11:30 pm and I will STILL wake up exactly 3 hours after I've gone to bed.  :-)  

Friday, August 5, 2011

Xray Results

  Dr. Anderson, the Urologist who referred me to do the "limited" ivp xray, called me yesterday to talk about the results.  Apparently I have a 4mm kidney stone.  Joy of joys.  He said I should have no problem passing the stone and should experience minor discomfort.  However, he said if the pain increases from what it was when I had my appointment then I need to go in for another appointment.  If everything stays the same, I won't need to see him again until after I deliver the baby.  So, kind of good news.
  I did a little research online, and I found that a 4mm kidney stone has an 80% chance of being passed without complications.  Let's just hope I don't find myself in the 20% that can't pass it without help...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Baby Update: 35 Weeks

Size of Baby:  On the way to 6 lbs, if you recall a week ago Baby H was 5 lbs 6oz (around the size of a large honeydew melon).  About 18" long at this point.
Baby Movement:  Intensity and frequency increases as the day gets later.  Sometimes I wonder if people notice my belly rolling all around before their eyes.
Position of Baby:  Head down facing to my right side or straight forward, her spine either along my spine or turned towards my left side.  Legs/feet up by my ribs.  Hands usually around her little face.
Changes in Baby:  During this week's ultrasound, she had begun practicing her breathing.  Her little chest was going at it, haha.  So special to see that for the first time. 153 bpm- heartrate during ultrasound this morning- strong!
Changes in Mama:  Pinched ureter pain comes and goes; hasn't been too terrible.
Changes in Daddy:  VERY excited to hold our little baby for himself!  Working hard to get his class done.
Cravings:  Water!  Brown Sugar Oatmeal (probably because the fiber helps me go to the bathroom), Iced Chai Tea
Aversions:  Nothing lately
Current Symptoms:  Intense heartburn if I don't take Zantac before I start eating.  Mild back pains.  Frequent trips to the bathroom.  Really warm most of the time- thank goodness for sleeping in a frigid basement bedroom, *sigh*
Sleep?:  Moved around all my pillows and FINALLY found that perfect little island of comfort :-)
Funny Tidbit:  The doc's office that is performing my weekly ultrasounds scheduled my last appointment for Sept. 14 (that's AFTER my due date! sillies!)- all fixed now.  I asked Dr. Hayes about it and he said, in his stoic manner, "We're all human and make can come in then and it will be easier to check on baby's health.  We'll just look at her on table and say, yup! baby is healthy!"  Then he laughed. 
Nesting:  All of our baby paraphenilia has to be in the same area and organized :-)  Bought white wooden letters that spell "Holly" to decorate her nursery someday.
Exciting News:  Blood tests from last week came back negative, which proves Baby H doesn't have an infection (could've been cause for excess amniotic fluid).  Doc said baby is fine, no issues causing excess fluid, yay!
Looking Forward to...: VA certification being approved so we can move forward in buying a house.
Next Appt: Thurs Aug 11. (ultrasound in GB)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

5 Things...

I won't miss about being pregnant:

1.  Peeing sooooo much.
2.  Intense heartburn.
3.  Lower back pain.
4.  The need to drink a ton of water every day.
5.  Monitoring diet and caffeine intake every single day.

I will miss about being pregnant:

1.  Feeling baby moving in my belly.
2.  Strangers treating me with more care (holding doors, offering a seat).
3.  Skipping ahead in the bathroom line without feeling guilty.
4.  Negative body image out the door when it comes to those imperfections (Hello, care-free swimsuit wearing!).
5.  Watching/listening to my husband talk to my belly.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ahhh :-O

    Last night I took food over to my husband for his dinner break, and while I was waiting for him to come outside I was watching my belly move all around from Baby H.  Usually I have a tushy sticking out of my belly's upper left side, but this time I noticed there was a little something sticking out directly across on my right side.  Of course I couldn't just sit there patiently watching; I had to touch.  (Take me to a museum some time and you'll know that I'm a button-pushing, have-to-touch-everything kind of person)  I decided to push on the little protrusion, but I certainly wasn't prepared for the forceful push back.  I nearly jumped out of my own skin!  Maybe I scared her as much as her reaction scared me, but holy cow!  After that I just sat there and laughed at myself. 
    I told my mom it was like when you are trying to sneak up behind a small animal, like a frog or bird...there is that moment when they are completely still and you go in for the grab but at the last possible second the animal jumps towards you!  Ah!  The animal's suprise seems as intense as the person trying to catch them.  Not that our little baby is a frog or bird....she's a sea creature, of course ;-)
Random surprised baby, haha

Start the Countdown

  Yesterday was August 1, which means that my due date is 39 days away.  This also means that I've known I was pregnant for 191 days.  Wow!  People aren't kidding when they say that time flies, especially when you're expecting (more so in the first and second trimesters, a little less in the third).  This realization didn't really hit me until my prenatal visit last night just how soon our little baby will be here (one of the nurses, while holding a newborn, turned to me and said that it would be me in a month).  I'm mixed with a whole array of emotions....excitement, anxiety/fear, anticipation, wonder and so much more.  Wow.