Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Update: 30 Weeks

Can you believe there's only 10 more weeks to go?! 

Size of Baby: 15.7" and almost 3 lbs (about the weight of a large head of cabbage)
Changes in Baby: Eyes are still developing, but eyesight will only have 20/400 vision at birth.
Baby Movement: All the time!  Right now I'm feeling our little feisty baby kicking me in the ribs while simltaneously doing something in the southern regions of my belly.  Sometimes, mainly later at night, I get such a hard kick that it makes me jump :-O
Changes in Mama: Lower back pain and slight menstrual-like cramps warranted a call to the doctor yesterday, but all turned out early labor or anything.  I can no longer see certain parts of my body due to the belly.  Have I mentioned that my leg hair has been softer and less noticeable?  It's great!  Also my skin seems to tan better and faster :-)
Current Symptoms:  Intense heartburn no matter my diet or amount of food consumed.  Trouble sleeping due to hip aches and backaches (not to mention lack of sleeping positions to choose from due to this big belly and not being able to lie flat on my back), even with the help of my body pillow.  Also, my increase in water consumption has increased the frequency of my trips to the bathroom...last night I got up to pee 3 times (and that doesn't include going right before bed and when I got up this morning, eek!).  Black poo from the iron supplements, ewie. :-/

Like this but hip/belly more towards mattress
 Best Sleeping Position:  On my left side with my left hip lying flat on mattress and my left leg fully extended, while my right leg is bent with the body pillow positioned between my knees and hugged by my arms. 
Cravings: Water, Lasagna (my homemade, cheesy, meaty, melty goodness), fruit
Aversions: ?
Looking Forward to...:  A longer weekend with my hubby since we have the 4th of July off from work :-)
Nesting:  I couldn't help myself and I bought a couple 6-9, 12 months clothing pieces yesterday (jeans, cardigans, little shirts, and a super-cute onsie).  Our little munchkin is going to be so cute!  All the baby stores seemed to be having HUGE sales.  Interesting piece of info is that Oshkosh B'Gosh will exchange baby clothes without a time limit as long as you keep the receipt.  How awesome is that?!  I love it because who knows if we'll have an Amazon baby or a little tyke by 3, 6, 9, and 12 mos.
Next Appt: Monday July 11

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nesting: The Urge

Not our nursery, but very pretty
    Due to the fact that we are looking at buying a house and moving before the baby is born, we do not have a nursery set up where we are now.  The nursery area consists of a clothes tote next to a glider and some bags of baby paraphenilia.  We have the crib and other furniture pieces in storage, but there's no point setting them up now if we just have to disassemble them to move.  However, the urge to have everything set up now is really, reallllllly intense.  Let me tell you, if you've never been pregnant you are in for a real surprise when it comes time to get everything ready for baby (even if you've never been an organized person....that will change). 
   Last night I went through the previously "organized" clothes tote, added all of our new baby shower clothing, and re-organized it all according to style and size.  The funny thing is that I will be doing it again after the next baby shower in a couple weeks and I don't mind one bit.  I love going through all those little onsies, sleepers, and outfits- the skirts and sweaters are the best!  I also grouped all the diapering items, feeding items, blankies, books, stuffed animals, etc into their respective and highly organized areas.  It makes me crazy not having everything set up perfectly the way I want the nursery.  I keep asking myself, 'What if baby comes early?'  Or 'Will I find everything I need?' 'Am I organized enough?".....  I know I'm not being weird, just an extremely normal first-time expectant mother.  Just wait until we have a real animal will be awakened- a decorating, organizing, mama bear on the move. :-)

Lots of Reading

   I am taking my friend's advice (recent mommy Kristin) about getting reading done now about what happens after baby is born, i.e. breastfeeding, parenting, and the first year.  Right now I'm reading a really good breastfeeding book given to me by Ang.  It's called Breastfeeding: A Parent's Guide (Seventh Edition) by Amy Spangler.  Check it out at Amazon  So far it's been very concise and easy to read and understand.  It is quite repetitive, but I feel like it helps to drive the information deeper into my brain so I won't forget once the chaos of having a baby begins.  Basically I've learned how often to feed (every 1-3 hours per day, every 2-3 hours per night, 8-12 times in a 24-hour period), when to know baby is hungry (restless, sucking, hands around mouth, etc), how to get baby to latch on properly (there shouldn't be pain after a couple minutes if done correctly), how many diapers (wet/poop) should be produced if baby is eating enough, forms of breastmilk, what the poo will look like, how to store breastmilk/pumping, how to relieve sore/engorged breasts, how to hold baby while feeding, how to pump, how to keep a log for the first few weeks and soooo so much more.  Yeah, this book is awesome!  I definitely recommend it for mother's who are thinking of breastfeeding their little ones (and you should try because the benefits are impressive).  
   Also in my library are What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bringing Up Baby by Signe Larson, which I found for a few bucks at a garage sale- couldn't resist.  There's another book about breastfeeding in my aresenal but I can't think of the name right now...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kicks and Flips

  Baby Holm is definitely more active these days.  Previously, I only felt movement early morning, late afternoon, and around bedtime, now there seems to be constant activity throughout the entire day. 
  I have a lot of fun interacting with our baby.  If I feel some moving I can push on my belly in one spot or rub across an area and our baby will usually follow my movements with a kick or a punch in that area.  It's pretty awesome to already see and feel that interaction between us. Our baby already seems so feisty and full of personality- always responding to invasions of her space (my belly, talk about who's being invaded...) with a quick jab or a swift punch.  And then there is the sticking out of the tushy...sometimes it feels like my belly must have reached the limit of stretchability when that tusher gets to pushing.  What a fun and silly little baby!!  We're looking forward to seeing that foot or hand becoming distinguishible.  That will be very exciting.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Update: 29 Weeks

Size of Baby: 2.5lbs, 15" head to toe. (about the size of a butternut squash)
Baby Movement:  More and more every day.  I remember wanting to feel kicks so I would like Baby Holm to take a few more naps.  Her increased size is defintely evident to me, at least.
Changes in Baby: Stronger bones every day and soaking up the nutrients, like iron, calcium, folic acid, vit C, etc... (which reminds me, I need to take my prenatal and such)
Changes in Mama: Intense heartburn/acid reflux if I don't take meds before eating.  Constipation comes and goes, mainly stay.  Major back pains from standing or sitting too long.  Have gained 22 lbs to date...averaging 1 lb/week.
Cravings:  Water/iced tea, FOOD (I'm even eating in nearly all of my dreams now, yum!)
Aversions: Cigarette smoke makes so sooooooo nauseated, barf.
Nesting:  Intense urges to have everything C.L.E.A.N., organized, and ready for baby, but that isn't likely until we have our own place.....
Exciting News:  Zach started his job!  Also, the house we want to buy is off the market, but still for sale.  Zach stopped by and spoke with the seller on Sat :-)
Looking Forward to...:  Getting life settled, ie house, job, before our little Baby Holm makes her appearance.  Next Mon off work for 4th of July.  Baby Shower #2, July 10th :-)
Movies Recently Watched: True Grit, Just Go With It, The Mechanic (or at least 15 minutes of the last one there).
Other Info:  Met Dr. Holly (ironic) for the first time today- very funny and doesn't make me uncomfortable like I thought a man doc would.  We have our primary doc, but there are 2 others that could deliver our baby if Dr. Murphy is gone, Dr. Holly is one and we haven't met the 3rd guy yet.
Next Appt: Wed July 13

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby Update: 28 Weeks

Size of Baby: 2.25 lbs (about the size of a chinese cabbage) and 14.8" from head to heel.
New with Baby:  Eyelashes and blinking!  How cool is that?!  Gaining more weight to be all cute and chubby in a couple months.
Baby Movement: Lots of it!  Last night I think Baby did a whole body roll because it felt like a wave pool in there.
New with Mama: In the last leg of the journey- third tirmester!  New prescription for heartburn, which gives relief but also makes me VERY drowsy.  On to my every two week appointments for another 8 weeks.
Recent Tests: Glucose test results were clear.  Low iron/slightly anemic=need for iron supplements.
Cravings: Water, food in general, haha
Aversions: not food, but strong cologne...I don't know if I prefer that over B.O. though....
Symptoms: Aching back, swelling legs, ankles, and feet, extreme drowsiness from meds and stage in the game.
Exciting News: Zach came back to town a couple days, so I didn't have to wait quite the full 2 weeks to see him again.
Looking Forward to...: Flying to IN tomorrow :-) And then a week off work, VACAY!!! :-)
Next Appointment: Monday June 27

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More Iron, More Water

     My Glucose test results came back just fine, which is great news!  However, they did discover that I'm slightly anemic and so they have required that I begin taking an iron supplement of 325mg, 2 times/day...every day.  Okay, so that's not really THAT big of a surprise.  I've always been low in the iron department- used to be turned down all the time for donating blood in the past.  The only crummy thing is that with the iron increase I'll need to up my fluids and fiber even more in an attempt to avoid constipation (yes, I'm sure you all want to hear about that, but it's just a fact).  Or else I'm doomed.  Doomed to never be able to poo.  I bet that's why bears are cranky...maybe they don't get enough fiber and water- too much iron, haha.   

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby Update: 27 Weeks

Size of Baby: Almost 2 pounds in weight (about the weight of a cauliflower) and 14.5" long with extended legs
Changes in Baby: Getting those lungs in gear and would be able to survive with help if born at this point (though, let's keep baby baking for at least 13 more weeks :-)
Changes in Mama: Swelling legs and feet with the heat, so unpleasant.  Sleepiness is coming back full swing once that clock ticks 9pm.  Continual rosy cheeks when the weather is warm.
Changes in Daddy:  Getting very excited to meet his little baby.  Talking to my belly allll the time, loves feeling those big kicks/movements.  Frequently uses the terms, "you both, my ladies, my girls, etc" when talking to me.  :-)
Cravings: WATER!  iced tea, salads
Aversions:  not food, but...the stinky smells of summer: it's called deodorant people, use it! and a shower!
Symptoms: Feet/ankle swelling, heat rash on belly, intense smell aversions (stinky feet, sweaty people)
Nesting:  My mother-in-law got a ton of super-cute clothes from a garage sale that she dropped off in a large pink tote for me last weekend, so I was able to go through them all and separate them according to sizes and styles, so fun!  Last night at a store I just so happened to find myself in the paint aisle where I picked out the exact color yellow I want for our nursery someday....
Reactions of People: LOTs of questions (due date, first baby, boy/girl, are we excited, etc...)  Not too many people touching my belly just because I'm either behind my desk or a counter, haha, whew!
Looking Forward to...: Seeing Zach again in 10 days.  My sister's wedding and bachlorette party :-)  Our first Baby shower!!  Seeing friends and family :-)
Not so much...: Traveling, packing, making sure I have everything that I will need for the trip.
Next Appointment: Monday morning, June 13

Monday, June 6, 2011

Heat Rash

   Looks like everytime I try to lay out in the sun this summer I'll be getting more than a tan...little red slightly itchy bumps on my belly: Heat Rash.  Yay...not so much.  It goes away by the following day, but it doesn't look too attractive for the rest of the day.  I guess it's not like I walk around with my belly showing though, so not too big a deal.  Just kind of stinks because I love being out in the sun during the summer.  Aaaand I have my vacation coming up here in 2 weeks during which time I was planning on much time spent out in the sun with a good book, SPF, and lots of ice water (maybe a big ol' fan too).  Hopefully I'll still be able to do that.  I wonder a little bit if the rash is a reaction to the greasy sunblock too.  I read that it's mostly caused by increased body temp due to pregnancy mixed with higher outside temps during summer, which also adds more sweat production.  Good times, haha.  Another one of those "joys" of pregnancy ;-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baby Update: 26 Weeks

Size of Baby: 1.67 lbs and about 14" long (or the length of an English Hothouse Cucumber)
Baby Movement:  Continues to kick back when objects or fingers push into my belly.  Too cute and sooo sassy :-)
Changes in Baby:  Nerves in ears are now becoming more developed for better hearing.  Putting on the weight now...
Changes in Mama:  Lots of aches in the back and joints.  Exhaustion from excessive activity. 
Cravings:  Iced Tea, Watermelon, Water
Aversions:  Cheesy potatoes (sooo weird! I usually love them, but after putting them on my plate I just didn't want to eat them)
Exciting News:  Booked my plane ticket to IN for my sister's wedding.  Zach can go to CUSA now :-)
Not-So-Great-News:  Zach got orders for his AT, and he has to go.  He will miss the wedding and be delayed starting work at Truck.
Looking-Foward-to...:  My sister's big weekend, our first baby shower and a week-long vacation away from work.
Had a Blast...:  @the Milwaukee Zoo with Zachary and then eating huge, caloric, fatty burgers from Kopps and Rootbeer Floats.  Also found some cute baby clothes and accessories at a few garage sales this past weekend...FUN!
Next Appointment:  Monday June 13 (Diabetes Test, I hear it's wonderful, haha and Check-up)