Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Glider!!!!

Here's the Glider my mom is getting for us and baby :-) PERFECT!!  Love love love it!


     I am sooooooo thirsty these past couple weeks. I can honestly down a whole 24 oz and fill it up, just to drink the whole thing again a few minutes later.  And Repeat. I don't know if it's because I started doing an hour of easy exercise a few times a week, or if baby is just draining me.  Hmmm, maybe a good question to ask the doc at my next appointment in 3+ weeks!!!!!!!  Yay!  I am just so excited about finally getting an ultrasound.  I know I should be happy that I haven't gotten one thsu far, because that means I wasn't high risk or potentially carrying multiples or anything out of the ordinary.  I've read and been told that 20 weeks is pretty standard for the first ultrasound with a normal pregnancy. 
   Last night I overheard Zach talking to his mom about our appointments and the scheduled U.S.  and he seemed sooooooo excited!  I can tell he's very ecstatic about the whole thing.  I can't wait to see our baby on the screen- it will be such a different feeling, especially for Zach.  He hasn't been able to experience any of the bodily changes that I have, so it's super-exciting for him to hear our baby's heartbeat and will be even more exciting to actually see our baby.  Just wait til he holds our baby for the first time; he's not a cry-er, but I guarantee the tears will flow :-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Tinge of M.S.

Good ol' morning sickness tried to do me in at work again.  It wasn't as bad as 1st tri, but it still didn't make me feel great.  I bet it's the pantyhose across my belly.  Darn things...but they are a must with skirts and/or dresses here accroding to that dang thing called a dress code.  I really wonder if the pregger-tights would work better?? I might have to get a pair.... I'm sure they are better or why else would there be a different pair for when you're preg?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Cravings

   So, I guess it's not really a NEW craving, more like a revisit to previous cravings.  thanks to my Aunt Barb I've been wanting smoothies every day now.  The other night I wanted one so badly, but I had to find our blender amongst the boxes still packed from moving.  Let me tell you, I was one determined pregnant lady....I dug through those boxes until I found that darn blender :-)  I told Zach that I had put my mind to it and I was going to look until I found the blender to make my delicious smoothie, haha.  Ah the lengths we will go to for food when pregnant.
   I actually made my own individual servings of frozen fruit for smoothies...the prepackaged ones in the store were sooooo pricey.  I just chopped up some bananas and washed up some strawberries, then threw them in small freezer baggies.  I was too lazy to make orange juice so instead I added 1/2 cup frozen juice concentrate, 1/2 -1 cup water, and 1 cup of yogurt to the mix and blended 'er right up....very yummy.  I've had three in the past 3 days :-)
  Another craving: I want a big salad for lunch today...we shall see how far that takes me- probably just across the street to Subway for a sub or over to PickNSave for their huge salad bar (2nd one seems like a better option).  Heck, at least I'm craving good-for-us foods and not fries ALLLLL the time, just sometimes.  :-)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ultrasound Set!

I am so excited to announce that at today's appointment we scheduled the ultrasound!!!!  April 25 will be the big day :-)  I want a girl, but I think Zach wants a boy.  Either way, we'll be thrilled :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

And....She's asleep.

    Zach and I went on a walk yesterday afternoon because the weather was finally so beautiful.  It must have worn me out because we ran an errand, then came home, ate dinner while watching some tv...and wouldn't you know it- I fell asleep within 3-5 minutes.  Not only did I fall asleep at like 9 pm, but I slept until 8 am this morning.  Wow!  The exercise was great, especially being outside, but it totally burned me out.  I guess that's what happens when your pregs. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Our little baby is about the size of a naval orange at 15 weeks now.  How sweet!

Fingernails and Bellies

   They must put magic in Prenatal vitamins, because my fingernails are growing sooo well.  They seem nice and strong too, woo hoo!  Gotta love the manicure in a bottle ;-)
    It's weird to feel like there is something in my belly besides food.  My belly is getting bigger, but it's not from stuffing my face or from being bloated, just baby.  It's such a weird, but really exciting feeling.  It's really odd to see my belly getting bigger every day, but just my belly.  You know, unlike gaining fat weight where it kind of spreads out everywhere and increases overall size?  So not like that.  Pantyhose are the devil to pregnant expanding bellies.  It might just be time for some preggo-hose.  regular ones lay right across the roundest part of my belly, literally cutting me in half.  Makes for a really nauseous day...not good when you work at a bank and have to wear them any day you don't feel like wearing pants- I get that feeling a lot.
   Baby Shower update: I'm heading to find some 6x6 envelopes...if I can't then I might have to re-evaluate my invite design.  If I DO find the right size envelope, then I'm heading to Hobby Lobby afterwards to get the rest of the materials for about 100 invites :-) SOooooooooo excited about that!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cravings- MacN'Cheese

I'm not talking about the neon-sort that comes from a box.  i'm talking about homemade baked macaroni and cheese that uses real block cheese, like sharp cheddar and colby jack.  So delicious!  My family makes it for almost all holiday meals!  You just pre-cook the desired amount of macaroni pasta (make sure you don't cook it completely, because it will cook more in oven)...make sure to salt the water when boiling, because it's the only time to really get your pasta seasoned.  Cube at least 2 of your favorite kinds of cheese.  I almost always use a sharp with a more mild cheese, like colby.  The sharp gives it that real cheese flavor.  Drain your noodles.  Grease a baking dish (or else that crispy melted cheese can be a bear to get off).  Layer part of your cooked noodles in the bottom.  Cover with a layer of both cheeses.  Sprinkle some salt and pepper to season.  Add another layer of noodles and then cheese.  Continue until you reach the top, making sure the final layer is cheese.  Sometimes I add some white pepper for a little bite.  Preheat oven to 350.  Bake for about 20 mintues or until cheese is all melted completely throughout.  The top should be browned and crispy.  SO YUM!!!!!!!   
this pic is kind of what mine looks like, minus the top crumblies added- so not necessary.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Boom....That's A Belly!

                         I'm 14.5 weeks today!  :-)
   I feel like my belly popped way out over this weekend.  I had a bump going in and now I have quite the little belly.  It's weird how my belly feels when I wake up in the morning- like I'm pooching it out as far as possible, but I'm not really doing anything to make it stick out.  And I can feel something in my lower belly, but no kicking or moving yet.  Sometimes when I'm lying in bed I can feel something...whether it's gas, a stomach twitch or the baby moving- I don't know at this point, haha. 
    In other news...I am hungry ALL the flipping time now!!!!!!!  I mean, I was always hungry before I found out I was preggers, but now I feel like eating every few hours.  It's probably because I'm eating smaller meals since it gives me a baaaaaad belly ache if I eat too much at one time.  Last night I gave in and went to McD's for french fries.  Let me tell you, those salty, golden, tasty fries were gone in seconds, flat.  Holy yumminess!!!! :-)
   My husband and I had a fabulous weekend together! We had a homemade fish fry with his parents Fri night, Sat we went to his cousin's baby shower (got some good ideas), and Sun after church we got a couple movies.  We watched one "Kate&Leopold", then he had to go to the library for some test-studying, but then he sent me a text saying that "Tangled" was playing in Reeve, $3 per person, woooo hoo!  We had a fun little date night, just the two of us.  After that movie, we went home and watched the other movie we had rented, "127 Hours"- very crazy...but good.  Can I say it was good, since it's a true story that was just awful?  Seems twisted :-/   Nonetheless, AMAZING weekend :-)

Friday, March 11, 2011


I think I am either getting sick again or I've finally hit that point in my pregnancy where I am really warm.  I usually am freezing my butt off all day at work, and today I feel like I need to fan myself every now and then.  Hot hot hot, whew!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

14 weeks

   Nothing too much that's new or changing.  Though last night I tried moving some boxes around while I was looking for cooking items, and I don't think I should have been doing that.  I think I put too much strain on my belly...I never realized how much stomach muscles are used to pick things up.  Well, I guess I won't be doing any heavy lifting anymore :-/  I felt weird and sore afterwards...probably not a good sign.  I'll leave the picking things up to the hubby from now on.
   I'm excited about getting to weeks 16-20, I have been reading that baby movement usually becomes noticeable during that time :-)  That is going to be soooooo exciting to feel baby move for the first time!!  I honestly cannot wait!  I think it will be so much more real for Zach too when this happens.  I know he sees me getting bigger and heard the heartbeat, but he can't really experience much else.  Movement will be very exciting for him too.  I have a feeling he will be touching my belly allllll the time once the moving and shaking starts :-) 
   Another exciting bit of news is that not only is Zach's mom throwing me a baby shower, but Ang, mom, Grandma, Jessica and my sis are having one for me while I'm in IN for my sister's wedding.  How fun!!!!  It's all very exciting for me!  Can't wait to get all those cute, tiny baby clothes :-)  So fun!  Not to mention, being able to spend some time with family and friends I either rarely see or haven't seen in a long time.  Yay! 
   Oh goodness, the heartburn is definitely amping up!  It's more like heart bonfire than just heartburn.  Doesn't matter what I eat or drink, it still ignites every afternoon and evening.  Tums help a little, but not much.  I thought I was going to be lucky and not get heartburn during pregnancy...ha ha.  I knew I was wrong because I've always had it when NOT preggers.  Oh goes on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I. had. the flu. again....

Can you believe it?!  I had the puking flu again Monday and Tuesday...kill me.  I don't think there are many more common illnesses that are worse- to me.  I don't understand why I keep getting this??  How long does it take to show signs of the flu once you've been in contact with the virus?  I just don't know where I'm getting, church, the grocery store?  And why doesn't Zach get it when he's sleeping in the same bed and smooching me?  Not that I want him to get it, but I just don't understand.  It's awful and I hate having the pukey flu :-(  Does the Flu shot protect against all strings of the flu virus or just the cold flu types?  If it does protect against the pukey flu, I will be looking into getting one. For. sure.  Having the flu while pregnant is NOT fun...not at all, and recovery time is longer than a normal person. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Storm is calming...

After Zach brought me flowers and a chocolate bar, then took me out to lunch...I'd have to say that my dark mood has lightened.  That's probably a relief to anyone around me who was unlucky enough to fall into my path this morning.  Oops.  I put all my energy into being nice with customers, and there was none left to be calm with most other people, sorry fellow employees.  
Now I'm just battling with the Sandman...he ALWAYS stops by to see me in the afternoon. 

Cranky Pants Jones

I was really snippy with everyone last night and again today...please tell me it's the hormones, because I felt like I was flipping out for absolutely no reason at all.  I seriously seemed to fly off the handle, and I could hear myself being ridiculous, but couldn't stop what I was saying.  Oh dear...I thought mood swings were supposed to decrease into the 2nd trimester.  Aside from random bouts of tears, I didn't know much swinging in the 1st trimester....but now, oh dear.  It's Friday too, so I should be really happy.  What in the world is going on?  I LOVE Fridays!  Apparently not so much today...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rocking Chair

My mom wants to buy us a rocking chair, because it's the one item I REALLY want and the one where we'll be spending the most time.  Zach and I found the perfect rocker/foot stool at BabiesRus.  It's perfect height to rest you head on the back, and the arms are the exact height for resting while holding a baby.  The foot stool is not attached, which makes for easy getting up and sitting down; it also can rock along with the chair.  They had a couple color choices, a light beige and a dark brown.  I think we liked the dark one better though.  It's $299, and we're going to see if they have some sort of layaway option, instead of purchasing it in one lump sum.
To see it go here. They do have a layaway option, yay...I think we'll keep looking around for other options just to make sure we get exactly what we want.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I don't feel nauseous much any longer, but I am still feeling as tired as a hibernating bear these days.  I keep getting up at least 15 minutes after my alarm goes off because I know I could just keep sleeping forever....but I DO have to go to work.  I'm still waiting for that day when I wake up to a new, motivated, energetic me.  Speaking of sleep, my desk is looking like a nice pillow with the sun all streaming in through the window.....I wish!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2nd Appointment

Yesterday we had our 2nd appointment...I'm 12 1/2 weeks along now.  Zach was with me this time, and he was able to hear the little heartbeat :-)  I think baby was being stubborn because he/she wasn't coming very close to my belly to get a louder reading...nonetheless, Zach heard it too.  We were able to meet Dr. Katie Murphy as well.  I thought it was really good to get the more medical reasons for different things happening and will happen.  I have some pain in my right ovary, and she said it's because there's a cyst that grows everytime before my period and disappears once my period begins, though this time no period means it's just not going away as it usually does.  No biggie because she said it will disappear sometime soon.  That's good because the pain can be really extreme at times.
Another we discussed was who will be in the delivery room with us when the big day comes...and I hadn't thought about it.  Of course Zach will be there and I'd like my mom if she can make it in time (she lives 7.5 hours away in IN), but I don't know if it would start getting crowded by having Zach's mom and Ang too....things to think about I guess.
Also, I will only gain 25-35 pounds based on my ideal weight, not current weight.  So I really should only be gaining baby weight, plus a couple more for fluids.  That's good, and I'm glad the doc explained that or I would've blown up like a whale, haha.  So don't listent to the books when they say 25-35 pounds....unless you are at the ideal body weight for your height and age...NOT eating for 2!  More like 1.2 at this point. :-)