Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2nd Appointment

Yesterday we had our 2nd appointment...I'm 12 1/2 weeks along now.  Zach was with me this time, and he was able to hear the little heartbeat :-)  I think baby was being stubborn because he/she wasn't coming very close to my belly to get a louder reading...nonetheless, Zach heard it too.  We were able to meet Dr. Katie Murphy as well.  I thought it was really good to get the more medical reasons for different things happening and will happen.  I have some pain in my right ovary, and she said it's because there's a cyst that grows everytime before my period and disappears once my period begins, though this time no period means it's just not going away as it usually does.  No biggie because she said it will disappear sometime soon.  That's good because the pain can be really extreme at times.
Another we discussed was who will be in the delivery room with us when the big day comes...and I hadn't thought about it.  Of course Zach will be there and I'd like my mom if she can make it in time (she lives 7.5 hours away in IN), but I don't know if it would start getting crowded by having Zach's mom and Ang too....things to think about I guess.
Also, I will only gain 25-35 pounds based on my ideal weight, not current weight.  So I really should only be gaining baby weight, plus a couple more for fluids.  That's good, and I'm glad the doc explained that or I would've blown up like a whale, haha.  So don't listent to the books when they say 25-35 pounds....unless you are at the ideal body weight for your height and age...NOT eating for 2!  More like 1.2 at this point. :-)

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