Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Update: 19 weeks

19 weeks: Baby is the size of an heirloom tomatoYour baby equals a large heirloom tomato in size and weighs 8 1/2 ounces. (length: 6 inches, head to bottom)

That's an Heirloom Tomato...I'm not an expert on tomatoes, so I figured most other people wouldn't know exactly either.  Now we know- about the size of a man's big fist.

Cravings: water!, salad, fruits
    *Dove White soap bar- not to eat of course,
but the smell is AWESOME!
Aversions: Tuna, strong garlic
Energy Level: Increasing every day, though 9:30 pm
usually means I'm down for the count
Sleep: Not so well most nights.  I wake up for hours
at a time to toss and turn.  I want to sleep on my
back or stomach soooo much, but I'm preparing
Belly motion: I can feel rapid fluttering movements
most of the time.  Occassionally I get a slow, twitch-
like feeling low in my belly.  No movement for hubby
to feel yet.
Nesting: Slightly.  No room to paint or anything like
that yet.  We'll see after the ultrasound :-)  Then I
might go overboard.
Symptoms: HEARTBURN!  At times I can actually
hear the acid gurgling at the base of my throat.  I
think I might very well be morphing into a fire-
breathing dragon.  It's possible.
Headaches! Off and on, not fun.
Exciting News: Zach got a very good job offer,
which he is planning on accepting :-) Big things
will be possible for our little family now.
Not-so-Exciting News: Ultrasound was had to be
rescheduled for the following day, April 26.

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