Monday, April 11, 2011

Life Changes

   Zach and I are gettng ready to come to a big crossroads in our life, exciting but still new.  I feel like we've been waiting to get to this point in our lives and it's almost here.  Zach will be graduating college and commissioning as an Officer in the Army Reserves, which is a really big deal for us!  This means that our life has the potential of being more "normal" in that he will be the bread winner for our family and I can focus on our family.....
   So.  I just got a call from Zach- HE GOT THE JOB AT OSHKOSH TRUCK!  Oh my goodness!  This is going to open so many opportunities for our family.  Oh wow!  A house, staying home with baby, and sooooo so much more!


  1. So THAT'S why you want to jump up and down! ;) CONGRATS you guys!! So exciting! :)

    Are you planning on being a stay-at-home mom?

  2. That's my hope :-) I'll work full time for sure until the baby comes, but then I will either stay home completely or work 20 hours or less/week.

  3. Aw, that's so exciting!! Now I wish that we were in the same town so we could have play dates :)
