Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lots of Reading

   I am taking my friend's advice (recent mommy Kristin) about getting reading done now about what happens after baby is born, i.e. breastfeeding, parenting, and the first year.  Right now I'm reading a really good breastfeeding book given to me by Ang.  It's called Breastfeeding: A Parent's Guide (Seventh Edition) by Amy Spangler.  Check it out at Amazon  So far it's been very concise and easy to read and understand.  It is quite repetitive, but I feel like it helps to drive the information deeper into my brain so I won't forget once the chaos of having a baby begins.  Basically I've learned how often to feed (every 1-3 hours per day, every 2-3 hours per night, 8-12 times in a 24-hour period), when to know baby is hungry (restless, sucking, hands around mouth, etc), how to get baby to latch on properly (there shouldn't be pain after a couple minutes if done correctly), how many diapers (wet/poop) should be produced if baby is eating enough, forms of breastmilk, what the poo will look like, how to store breastmilk/pumping, how to relieve sore/engorged breasts, how to hold baby while feeding, how to pump, how to keep a log for the first few weeks and soooo so much more.  Yeah, this book is awesome!  I definitely recommend it for mother's who are thinking of breastfeeding their little ones (and you should try because the benefits are impressive).  
   Also in my library are What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bringing Up Baby by Signe Larson, which I found for a few bucks at a garage sale- couldn't resist.  There's another book about breastfeeding in my aresenal but I can't think of the name right now...

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! I'm glad you found some good books! I ordered What to Expect the First Year a couple weeks ago and have looked at it several times. It's fun to look at the milestones and see what your baby should be doing/will be doing soon. :)

    Something that really helped me for engorgement are these circle-shaped gel pads that the nurses gave me in the hospital (forgive me if I already told you about them! lol) - if you can make it past those first days of engorgement, you're golden ;)
