Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby Karate

   Last night I felt a series of punches start down low and slowly move upwards to about mid-belly.  Maybe Baby Holm was pushing off the walls to reposition for better sleepytime??  Very interesting. 
   The kicks and punches seem to be getting stronger as the days go by.  Personally, I think it will be any day now that movement will be felt on the outside.  It's hard for me to tell at this point if I am feeling it on the inside or if I am really feeling it with my hands on the outside.  Seems to be noticeable only while I'm sitting or lying down. 
   We have another check up on Monday.  I feel like I have more questions at this point about labor and delivery than anything else.  I want to find out what my doctor's view is on what point do they decide a c-section is necessary.  I do not want a c-section unless either my baby or I will die without one.  I plan on pushing til I can't push anymore, and then pushing some more :-)  Easier said than done, I'm sure.  I'm just THAT stubborn.  I think Zach finds it amusing how stubborn I am when it comes to labor and delivery.  That's just me, and he knows it :-)  I'm also not taking any pain meds.  I say bring it.  Pain won't kill me, and it must not be life-shattering because women still have more babies after the first.  You may think I'm crazy, but I'm just strong-willed.  If my Grandma Bryant were around she would tell you a little story about a horse named Belle, a creek, and me.....


  1. I'm intrigued about this story... ;)

  2. At the risk of this being something you probably don't want to hear...definitely go in with your birth plan, but try not to be devastated if it changes! If you need drugs or a c-section, that does *NOT* mean you've failed.

    I was devastated when they told me I needed an emergency c-section, because I knew it meant I would need one with every future child. But in retrospect, my baby is here and thriving and I'm healing just fine. ;) Love you and just don't want you to ever feel bad if things don't go exactly according to your plan!
