Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trip to the Hospital

    Monday afternoon I started having contractions that seemed different from the usual Braxton Hicks tightening of my stomach with the dull, continuous pains in my back.  I've never been in labor before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect.  I left work a little early, went home, took a warm shower, drank lots of water, elevated my feet, and waited.  I tried timing the contractions; though I could tell when they started I couldn't tell when they ended.  After all this, the contractions didn't seem to slow down or stop.  Walking didn't help much either.  I wasn't too concerned since the pain was uncomfortable but not bad (as I would think true labor would entail).  After urging from my mom, I eventually called the hospital, explained the situation and they said they would have the on-call doc give me a call back.  About 5 minutes later, my phone rang.  After several questions, I was advised to go to the hospital for some monitoring and tests....
    Honestly, I wasn't freaking out or worried; I was calm and relaxed (I didn't really feel like it was time).  I was more concerned that I hadn't washed our newborn clothes or packed our bag yet.  I made it there about 9:30 pm.  The nurse hooked my belly up to the fetal monitors (one for my contractions, the other for baby's heartbeat), which I wore the whole time I was there.  During the monitoring, I was having contractions, but nurse said it's just my body getting ready for the real thing later on.  Also the real ones would make me lose my breath, not like those which I was perfectly able to talk and breathe through.  I answered lots of questions, did a sterile urine test (for UTI/negative), had a pelvic exam to test for dialation (first-ever by a man doc...not fun.  I closed my eyes and went to a happy place) and a fetal fibronectin test (fFN) to see the likelihood of preterm labor, answered more questions, got fluids through an IV, got the fFN test results back (negative), and finally got the ok to go home around midnight.
    So, no worries.  I wasn't dialated at all.  And I have a 98% chance of NOT delivering in the next two weeks.  That's good.  And my ultrasound on Monday morning should offer more clarification as to my due date.  I'm hoping to be a real trooper and not go back to the hospital unless it really is GO TIME....especially since I have better things to do than sit in an uncomfortable hospital bed all night long, NOT being able to sleep.

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