Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Time is NOT now :-/

False alarm.  Still only 1 cm dilated.  I was so excited and then wam!  Got knocked off my happy horse when the doctor told me, "Not today..."  Well when?!  Okay, I know I'm just getting over-excited because I've already waited 8 months, and I've never been pregnant before so I don't know exactly what true labor will feel like.  One of my favorite nurses encouraged me that when labor starts for real, I will know.  I jsut wish my water would break at the start of labor so I will know for sure that it's game time.  The nurse pin pointed my personality when she said, "You like to be in control, right?  Not having any control over when you go into labor can be frustrating.  Hang in there, your little baby is just waiting for the right moment."  I wanted to hug her, like I said, she's my favorite nurse.  I wish she could be my OB/GYN...
On another note, I think this will be my last week at work.  My head and heart are no longer coming to work with me.  My head is flying somewhere in the clouds dreaming of babies and pink outfits, while my heart is staying home with my husband because I miss him so.  I want to spend some quality time with him before two becomes three; he's such a wonderful man and he deserves more than a few words here and there in passing (or sleeping since our schedules are so opposite).  I'm not sure how my boss will like the news, but I think it's best for our family.  Plus, I need some time to rest before our world is turned upside down.  Real rest and relaxation, not just sitting at a desk all day.  That's boring, not restful or relaxing.  Here's to going on maternity leave.... :-) 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm so sorry that it was a false alarm! I had about a month of false alarms. Totally messes with your head. But you're SO close, so the real deal will come very soon! :)

    Good idea about maternity leave - rest up and prepare for the big event! She's right, you'll know ;)

    Love you!
